
Honestly, regardless of this particular issue, Perez Hilton has been a huge scumbag for over a decade. May karma finally bite him in the ass.

Calling anyone but Perez Hilton a “mean girl” in a story involving him promoting his brand is downright hilarious.

this might be obvious but does anyone else find “suck my dick” when said by a dude alarming???? like way more aggressive than “fuck you”???

Taking down Perez Hilton, a known cockroach, makes her the hero we need.

Fuuuuuuuuuck. I may have to pass on Punisher.
I find Woll/Page the worst thing about Marvel-Netflix. She almost drove me from DD; my compromise was just to fast-forward whenever she was in a scene.
She makes Jessica Alba look like goddamn Meryl Streep.

No. You just need enough cash for a ghostwriter.

I think letter writer one calling women “cruelly attractive” says a lot about his interactions with women. Dude, she wasn’t born with symmetrical, conventionally accepted features just to spite you. She’s not existing just to be mean to you. That’s a big red flag to me.

Came down here to say the same thing you said in your second paragraph. It goes both ways, dear self-deprecating letter writer, if you want women to take you for more than your looks, you gotta do the same.

Yeah, those were big red flags to me. Attractive women are not being cruel to you just by existing. It sounds like he has deepee issues with women and sexuality.

That’s... Yeah. That’s a weird thing to say and more of a red flag than the self-deprecation.

“Painfully attractive” “cruelly attractive”


Every time I see “Luke Cage” my brain goes “Liu Kang? Johnny Cage?”

So we’re just glossing over the fact that Netflix has pushed past straining credulity that these shows could exist in the MCU into completely snapping it?

No one should own a ring worth $4.5 million. That’s disgusting

Seems to me the tagger’s political speech does less to vandalize the walls of a historic government building than its defacement with Trump signage.

...have you actually seen the original? The dancing sequence is the ‘happy’ bit, between miserable as prisoner as terrified by the horde threatening her father and then her love.

That said...there is only one Will Scarlet that matters...

Your first sentence essentially describes every aspect of these movies

Chris is still my favorite Doctor.