
I know it’s so sad! I have terminal cancer (at 36, lucky me) and had to go into a long term nursing facility this week because we can no longer meet my needs at home. My sister took my cat in and he’s so heartbroken in the pics she sends me. He was to wear the cone of shame because he pulls his fur out when he’s

I’m dying of a rare cancer at 36. I have a best friend I have known since we were ten years old. I can’t tell you the times she lived with me for free when she was down on her luck; I also was the one there for her when her son was born and none of her other friends would lift a finger. She sent me a text after I told

I hate the fighting rhetoric around cancer. I have cancer and I’ve been told I have a year or two, given its aggression and spread and my family wants me to try everything under the sun; however, I am tired. Tired of being in pain, tired of living without the leg they amputated when the first tumor ate through it.

36/f/NC. Like a lot of people I had a shit ton of usernames over the years but the first one was regannfoxx and the last one was harmonyonward.

This worries me, too. I have cancer that’s just eating away at my insides (pelvis, thigh, lungs, now back) and there is no way I could live without my pain meds.

Starred for Ned & Stacy and Prey.  

I was thinking the same thing. I play a lot of JRPGs and Final Fantasy alone uses a lot of Norse mythology — the city names in FF7, Fenrir is an occasional summons, too, etc, on top of what you’ve already mentioned. The air/space ship in FF8 is even called Ragnarok.

Hey I’m here to join you with the cat love. I am currently dying of cancer and my cat will not leave my side. When I was in hospital for 6 weeks, she refused to eat and lost almost half of her body weight. (Luckily she was chubby enough to handle it.) Now when I leave the house for appointments, she paces the house

I’m 36. In the last year, I was diagnosed with a very rare cancer and had to have my leg amputated to get rid of it. I worked my ass off in PT to get a prosthetic so I could go back to work. Same week I got it, I found out the cancer was back with no surgical recourse and the resulting swelling in my stump meant I

I had my left leg amputated last year due to cancer; the tumor was so massive that the limb couldn’t be spared. The limb was donated to science to study the cancer I have because it is so rare. Sometimes it’s creepy to think about (especially when I’m having the phantom sensations!) but it’s also nice to think that

My dad and I haven’t had the greatest relationship for most of my life. However, last year at 35, I was diagnosed with cancer and had to have my leg amputated to get rid of a tumor and he really stepped up, coming to see me every day for the 6-8 weeks I was in the hospital. Unfortunately, last month I found out that

My interest in Teen Wolf 6B is mainly to see what they do about Stiles’s character since reports say that Dylan O’Brien won’t be in it. I did see one random report that said he and Hoechlin were seen on-set, which would be the most interesting thing to happen on the show in awhile. Stiles has always been the best

I am a huge Beauty and the Beast fan and have been since I saw it in theaters as a kid. Even as an adult, I collect Beauty and the Beast memorabilia and I see the musical every time in comes through town. My entire family cannot believe how un-excited I am for this movie and this is why. The casting never really

They address that somewhat in the Broadway musical, through (naturally) two songs she sings — “Home” and “Change In Me.” “Home” is right after she’s kidnapped and she’s like ‘haha, what I wouldn’t give to be home, adventure sucks’ and “Change In Me” which is right before she goes back to the Beast, about how this

I bought my copy from and had it shipped to the US. This movie is so gorgeous!

I honestly assumed they held off on Snow White since it was kind of the lynchpin fairy tale for Once Upon a Time. It’ll be hard to love another Disney Evil Queen like I love Regina.

This is far from the first time the soaps have been wrangled into Marvel product placement. Before the ABC soap One Life to Live was cancelled it had: a character sneaking around as Spider-Man for days; a comics obsessed kid who named dropped a ton of actual comic book characters; and copious random teen characters

Naw, I'm with you. I like certain things about the shows (okay, yeah, mostly Foggy, I can't help it) but I don't like them nearly as much as I like a lot of things, even when I can see that they're high quality.

I'm still excited to see baby Havok and Nick Stokes team up to save the world or whatever. It looks like the perfect guilty pleasure to replace my old one, which was the Hawaii Five-O reboot.

I didn't even know this is what I wanted until I read your comment!