
It is complicated but considering that Trump regards people hoping he doesn’t fuck shit up in the same regard as undying support, I would have to say it still is.

Last fall I dropped a jar in my kitchen and it shattered impressively. A week later while mopping downstairs (open concept house) I stepped on a piece and didn’t notice. When I turned around from my mop-job I realized there was literally bloody footprints all thru the place and it looked like my home was adjacent to a

Serious question.

She has a White House position (although she shouldn’t: conflicts of interest being only the beginning). She has sat in for Daddy at international meetings of heads-of-state. It’s absurd, but it’s real.

most people don’t know how a TV works, or a phone, or a computer, or even baking. facts no longer matter since the advent of Fox News.

Second bonus entry: Night of the Comet.

Shit I feel as though wypipo have figured out how to target Black embryos. Wypipo fuck with the food we eat, the air we breath, the water we drink, the “medicine” whyte doctors prescribe form the wypipo pharmaceutical companies. This all affect the mothers of these embryos, it’s all passed through the body. Right

Ultron was not a good movie, it only delivered because it’s Marvel and the built-in fanbase is going to lap up pretty much anything they serve them. I loved Thor 3, but if it wasn’t for Waititi’s humor it would have been just another one on a list of movies I won’t watch again. Half of their movies are mediocre at

$800,000 for a house. Damn. Remember when the middle class had a chance?

Spatulas are flat, people!

I agree on the sexual assault aspect of your reply. Men are definitely more prone to sexual assault and I haven’t the foggiest why we as men, cannot grasp that it’s just not fucking OK.

Hollywood doing the right thing? Don’t think for a second the biggest secrets aren’t still being kept. It’s just that no one else wants to end up like Brad Bufanda.

I’m sure this ploy works on some people, but having two magazines is why I didn’t buy either. I probably would have bought it if there was just one, but having to pick one of two gave me too much decision anxiety, so I just bought the album by itself. There’s no way in hell I was buying the album twice. I may have


I have autism (Asperger’s spec.) I live a fantastic life. My symptoms are mild, as the majority of autistic people’s are (“high functioning” make up the bulk of us diagnosed). I have a college degree, am a published author, and live independently like any other adult. To think some people don’t vaccinate their babies

Agreed. All the ‘allegations’ from his ex-wife and management company that parted ways really paints this guy in a dirty light. Weird casting for a ‘family’ flick is all.

You know, the first decision I make when I wake up every morning is whether to immediately shower my dog in affection or to instead lie perfectly still and wait for him to slowly emerge from his deep slumber, barely opening his eyes to find me smiling right at him. :)

Yeah...I’m team #TeamShutYourPiehole

This is a stupid, meaningless “argument” because if a “president” is unfit to order a nuclear strike then he is fucking unfit for the office.

Gays Overcompensating Poorly