
No more Scarlet Witch or Spider-Man/Deadpool? Counts my comic reading down

Ok, Pegg is really reaching here but I have to admit that I, too, have bugged by Takei’s idea that putting Sulu in a same-sex relationship is somehow sullying GR's original vision or whatever. Back in the late 60s or early 70s, GR did an interview for a book about Trek that was written by what basically amounted to

This is, like, number one on my list of options, no lie.

All this talk about creepy father/daughter dances makes me glad I don't have to worry about it. I'm not even sure I'd invite my dad to my wedding because he'd likely be drunk or get drunk AND he already told my sister (who he actually likes) that he would walk her down the aisle but he wouldn't dance. SO YAY. My honey

Speaking of movie tie-ins, I can't believe there's not more discussion of Unchained Melody by the Righteous Brothers, what with the sexy Ghost connotations. (Also just a wonderful song)

That clips is from the 1996 The Dance tour. That's when I fell in love with Stevie Nicks. /dreamy sigh

As a fellow Bucky stan, I just came to high-five you. I have nothing to add to this conversation other than that. <3

I bought the DVD from Canada and OMG YES IT IS SO GORGEOUS. I’m honestly worried that the new Disney one won’t be able to match it in terms of visuals and I am an insane Disney BatB fan.

You must’ve missed when she threatened “to shove a fucking ball down the fucking throat of a line judge,” or when she screamed other obscenities at various line judges at both the French and US Opens. Serena has a solid history of tantrums on court, racket abuse being the least of them, IMO.

I love the Muses and I love the "Won't Say I'm in Love" sequence. Love the song, too. No shame.

I prefer the movie to the show myself, even though I hung in with the show for several seasons. I want to be optimistic about what we could get from this remake.

I agree. I fell in love with the movie and so I watched the show and it was...decent. But my heart prefers the movie take over the TV one.

Considering the Thunderbolts are all criminals or supposedly dead, it’s probably not common knowledge that that’s where she is. Bucky explicitly hasn't even told Steve as of Thunderbolts #1.

Yup and he specifically helped Cap and his buddies escape from Zemo. So...

She didn't vanish, she's living with Bucky and the Thunderbolts, at the moment.

A minority, yes, but I'm right there with you.

Very excited about Thunderbolts with Winter Soldier leading the team. I'm always excited for more Bucky. #teambucky I'm also really loving the Spider-Man/Deadpool team-up comic and I can't wait until the next one comes out!

That’s exactly how I feel. If they were going to do this movie, I feel like it should’ve been an Avengers movie. Iron Man and Thor (so far) hasn’t had to share their movies with half of the Avengers roster.

I can’t decide how I feel about this movie. It looks great and WS was great but — frankly — I don’t like the idea of a lot of Tony Stark in my Cap movie. I'm not a huge fan of movie Iron Man and I get more than enough of him in the Avengers movie. But I can't exactly skip a Cap movie because Bucky is my favorite

God, yes, JT was my jam when I read SW. SO MUCH JT.