
Slade is my favorite on Arrow, this makes me sad. On the other hand, Manu Bennet is going to be at a local con in March and I AM SO EXCITED TO MEET HIM.

I think this is a great idea and it works with the Loki/Thanos team-up of the first Avengers, etc.

Cora, Regina's mother, was the appropriate age before she got axed since she was played by Barbara Hershey.

Just like in the world, there are some people at cons that are accepting and some that are not. I know personally because I’m a big fat lady and I do a lot of the scifi/fantasy/anime circuit in the South East either as an attendee or an artist. I have never felt comfortable trying to cosplay because you are right: you

I loved this show when it came on, especially in the early Page Davis years. My sister and I were just randomly talking about it last week because we saw Beauty and the Beast the Musical and we both remembered that Page Davis (and her husband) had been in one of the traveling companies for that show.

My boyfriend had a child who died and he is very much of the idea he never wants anymore. But I've known other people who felt the opposite, my aunt being one. I don't think anyone should judge them either way.

I wish I could give this all the stars.

Well, to begin with, they didn’t solicit him, he came to them because he got a blu system in a grab bag (I thiiiink it was in a Grammy grab bag but it was a while back and my memory is fuzzy) and he was like PLZ LET ME BE YOUR SPOKESMAN. Which I found hilarious, I guess? At least I can assure you that he’s actually a

And he is so not cool, rofl. I used to work at blu and, oh, the stories....

Not saying it’s not a bad idea, but Day of the Dead is huge in the Philippines, too, with a lot of similar fanfare. My cousin’s girlfriend is Filipino and her family marks it still. Plus I did research on it for a program I do with teens at work.

When I did PR a million years, it was always my BOSS that screwed it up. We underlings would create a nice release and he'd decide NO NO IT IS BETTER IF WE JUST IGNORE IT NO COMMENT NO COMMENT. Since the President of the company took his advice, there was nothing we could do but weep for the future asskissing we'd

Sadly, she and Matt (also a YouTube personality - Matt Santoro) have made up and now are ~lovey dovey~ again. The fact that I used to follow him is the only reason I even know who she is before this mess.

My grandfather’s funeral was like something out of dark comedy. My uncle chose to dig the grave himself, and his one of his kids kept loudly asking about how much each thing at the grave side cost before announcing that it was a shame “their” money had been wasted on something that was going to be buried. My uncle’s

My forever style is office-appropriate Stevie Nicks garb, which means less sequins, slightly less lace and more sweaters than shawls. (Although I can rock me some shawls when the weather's right.) I don't know if other people think it works on my fat frame, but I feel like a mythical sorceress when I'm floating around

I have worked so hard on accepting my very fat self and it's struggle — but more so, I think, battling the people around me. I love clothes and make-up and jewelry and I LOVE that I've finally given myself the freedom to revel in liking those things and thinking I can be pretty since I've been told my whole life I'd

The problem with the theme nights (oh god, totally outing myself as a DWTS veteran viewer) is someone always gets a WTF dance/song combo. Who wants to samba to Poor Unfortunate Souls? Quickstep to the Hercules song? I think Captain Jack and Frozen lucked out with the styles going with their music.

I had a similar incident happen to me, except when they got to my house (also 45 minutes later), they asked me, "What do you want us to do about it?" I DON'T KNOW, MAYBE YOUR JOB? They suggested I get my hedges trimmed lower (there are no hedges on the side of the house where the intruder tried to break in) and then

The Bare Minerals rep who helped me buy my first kit a million years (okay, like 7-8) ago was the first person to show me the magic of E/3 contour motion with their all-over face color. As someone who ghost-pale white where she's not bright pink, learning to add a hint of color over the spackle-like color of

Me, my sister, my cousin and my cousin's girlfriend all signed up for Ipsy together. We tend to get different stuff, so we do a lot of swaps! And what I don't use, I share among the rest of my cousins. I put 3-4 together in a pretty bag and VOILA, instant birthday gift.

As someone who was recently dumped in the worst way possible (being ignored in texts/phone calls, only to show up at his place to find him banging another chick), I can tell you how I wished it had gone down differently: absolutely do not put it off. If you know you want out, don't add extra days/weeks/months onto the