I saw this last night and it was bad. Not fun bad, just bad. And this is from someone known for her unironic enjoyment of all things Nic Cage.
I saw this last night and it was bad. Not fun bad, just bad. And this is from someone known for her unironic enjoyment of all things Nic Cage.
I'm not sure it bears repeating but I am so into Grimm right now. I just mainlined 4 of the 6 eps that SyFy showed last night and I am so freaking excited for the finale. CANNOT WAIT. I haven't been this excited about a whole show in a long time.
Yeah but that's like the porn version of HBO — they end up there once they've given up on it making money via other methods. Nothing is selling DVDs these days in porn (at least in straight porn) so most of your first punch comes from internet distro which is what I do for a living and they are not making any money…
These just get more and more hilarious but they don't sell these days. The market for them is completely tapped.
Defender even sounds like a mix of DS9 and Andromeda but it's Robert Hewitt Wolfe so I will watch the shit out of it if it comes to my screen. PLEASE MAKE IT TO MY SCREEN.
Can I just say how excited I am about this week's Grimm?! I just started watching it like 3-4 eps ago but I'm really into it now. The thing about the Crossroads with Nick/Juliette makes me hope that he'll finally tell her the truth and let her decide if she wants to be a part of his new life/world.
For the record, I can't wait to see it! But I'm only going because I love the actors so I don't think I count for the reasons you're looking for. I have a feeling I will be in a theater full of tweens who are watching for the same reasons I am, lol.
It's called "The Last Act," by Shayenne and it's like an epilogue for the show. I hope your friend enjoys it. :)
Totally agree on Seven/Chakotay and Lex/Lana. Seven/Chakotay was particularly ridiculous since they threw it in at the very end when they should've been gearing up to give us the Janeway/Chakotay payoff they'd been teasing for six seasons. There's a fanfic that fixes this perfectly and I re-read it every time I have…
Being the bitter fan I am, I hope Dark Shadows tanks but I know it won't. I'm worried it'll be Spider-Man which I am PSYCHED for.
Don't worry, people won't let something like facts stop their concern-trolling and fat-shaming. I am promoting your wonderful comments all over this post because I don't have the sanity points to engage myself but your snark is appreciated!
Yup and the bugs never had a chance to die off because there was never a good frost. This cold snap we're having right now has been welcome, I have to say.
I live in NC and we had a really warm winter — it never really got cold at all, especially in 2012, which is when we tend to have snow if we're going to get it. This does not bode well for our summer.
I'm 31. Is that as old as you?
This is a little outside the realm of io9 but why is something like Sabrina getting an edgier reboot when Nancy Drew got the watered-down tween treatment it did? If anything could've rocked an edgier reboot, it's Nancy Drew!
OMG, so juicy! I had heard some of this from an old friend who loved the show back in the day but I barely remembered and I only rewatched last year because I needed more hilarity in my life. That is so hilarious! Poor Jensen. This is why you shouldn't date your coworkers, folks! Thank you so much for sharing!
oooh, Weatherly hated Jensen? Serenada, tell me more! There's nothing I love more than gossip about a show I didn't watch until last year sometime. *rubs hands together*
The Roswell and Dark Angel are switched, I believe. #corrections
I loved the featurette thing on Snow White and the Huntsman's costume design. My secret theatrical dream job has been costume design since I was a very little girl.
On the non-fiction side, I think if you're going to be world-building with an emphasis on religion, I think Mircea Eliade's books on comparative religion can be a good building block. I also recommend the unabridged The Golden Bough. It's full of completely wrong, completely batshit details about what 19th century…