
Dear Josh Schwartz and Chris Fedak — Cheryl Ladd is only an original Angel in the loosest sense of the word since she was hired to replace Farah when she left. Fail.

I know everyone is hot for the Salvatore brothers, but I really freaking love Alaric. I'm so glad he's showing some more spine and hopefully we'll get to see him badass-ing around town more often. I love his character so much.

Okay, really, Chuck — if you have Tim DeKay in an episode about Sarah's past, please please tell me there is an ultra-sekrit-Matt-Bomer cameo to look forward to. PLEASE TELL ME THIS GUYS.


It's not the worst thing I've watched in favor of my horrible crush on McAvoy, but it wasn't the best. I think a little too much Jolie for my tastes. (I also watched it out of order which probably didn't help matters.)

re:Wanted 2, I was kind of meh about the first one but I'll be there with bells for more McAvoy.

So my icon might be a tip-off that I'm a huge fan of the original Dark Shadows soap opera, and I've had my reservations about this movie since they announced it.

I knew it was too good to be true!

I'm going with Spider-Man, too, because I don't care about any of them but I like Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone way better than any other actors involved in these movies. (OK, RDJr doesn't count because I'm supporting him via Sherlock Holmes.)

James McAvoy should absolutely be on this list and one of his first big roles was in the Children of Dune miniseries, so there's another role in the sf/f spectrum.

I don't know about having Firefly on here. I grew to love it, but I fell asleep during the pilot 4 times, no lie. I found it incredibly slow-moving and not very interesting at all. I eventually pushed my way through it, thankfully, because I love the last half of the show.

Now playing

The best part of Lois and Clark, which I looooooved as a teenager, was Tempest and his speech to Lois about how she had to be the dumbest woman on the planet not to cotton on to the fact that Clark was Superman. The whole fake voices and the glasses on/off he did was GREAT.

There is so much to be learned from recently declassified files. I spent a few months digging around in stuff from the 1970s because I wrote my senior thesis on the U.S. foreign policy and the way it did — and did not — use human rights as part of its decision-making.

I don't like that idea AT ALL when it comes to the XMFC sequel. Jumping ahead ten years basically means they don't have to deal with any of the loose points from the first film or actually explaining how people who don't really hate each other at the end of the movie end up as bitter enemies. They really need to break

This times 1000. Old eps of I-Man are still more interesting than a lot of what comes on SyFy these days.

Also, he was on SGA, not SGU, unless I missed something...

Rainbow Sun Francks is an actor, not an actress. #corrections

I saw them on Tumblr. Here is the matching Magneto one:

Some of the XMFC ones are amazing. I like the ones you've got, but I also liked this set, too: