SO YES THIS. I saw it on Tumblr last night and...oh yeah!
SO YES THIS. I saw it on Tumblr last night and...oh yeah!
OMG THEY FOUND SPECTRA. (Please tell me I'm not the only one how immediately thought of Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer?!?)
I still do flowers and spirals and stars in my notes during meetings.
My favorite part of the scene isn't Fassbender in the dress as much as it is McAvoy/Charles's expression and the fact that Erik seems completely unfazed by Charles's "darling" comment. This movie and the actors make the slash so easy.
Well, the Traneto comment was actually about having the power to change genders, wasn't it? From some interview McAvoy and Fassbender gave where they were asked for the umpteenth time what powers they'd want, I think. Dragneto is perfect for this scene. :)
HELL YEAH MORE ALARIC ON TVD! He's really my favorite character, glad to see they're going to give him more to do next season.
I'm in NC and my boss felt it and freaked out, right after my IM buddy in DC was like "Earthquake, brb!" which I thought was a joke.
Episode 6 will be called "Slash Fiction."
Real Steel promos showed before X-Men every time I saw it (that would be 5) and here was the consensus with the various people who attended with me: Two out of three thought it looked so awesome and immediately went "I have to see this!" while the other said it was the dumbest thing she'd ever seen in her life. They…
Chuck, you have disappointed me so much since the first two seasons, please make it better with a Bryce Larkin/MB appearance. It can be a flashback-heavy episode like Alma Mater or you can resurrect him again, but I want Bryce and I want him having loads of screen time with Chuck/ZL. I've only been asking for this…
Hell yeah, Jaime Bell as Esca! God, I've had that movie on the brain for days. I love it hardcore.
There's really no other reason to see that movie but the Xavier/Magneto bromance. The rest is pretty silly and every time I watch it, I find something more eye-rolling about it (like how all the women are evil by the end, all the good 'guys' are white dudes, the 'evil' team is made of people from marginalized…
It's really sad how hot I am for XMFC based solely on McAvoy, Fassbender and their characters' epic bromance. I've seen it FIVE TIMES in the theaters, which is usually more than I see any films in the theater in the course of a year. I was vaguely aware of McAvoy before XMFC but I had no idea Fassbender existed which…
Hoyay, indeed! I do agree that he was pretty awesome in The Eagle for those exact reasons. Marcus, despite being a bad ass Roman warrior, has a lot of vulnerability in him.
Definitely. I mean, I sat through The Scorpion King for the same reason!
I never even paid him any attention (also, he kinda looks like my friend's husband who is a douche of epic proportions) but The Eagle helped a lot. Once I've finished watching every film on Netflix starring James McAvoy or Michael Fassbender, I'll have to watch the first GI Joe movie to get ready for this one.
Channing Tatum is back as Duke
I'm not like a mushy person, but I kind of want Spock and Uhura to get it on...Not in that sense! But you really want to see more of that love affair.
Er, no. There are people who think it's a funny episode? It rips my heart out when I watch it and it made The Trickster/Gabriel a very sinister character to me, which worked well with the 'he's an angel' reveal in S5.
Mine too! And I don't even like Season 3.