Yes, this. Thank god for word of mouth because I would've passed it by entirely if not for my LJ friends screaming at me to watch it.
Yes, this. Thank god for word of mouth because I would've passed it by entirely if not for my LJ friends screaming at me to watch it.
I am a weeper when it comes to movies. Seriously, I just saw X-Men: First Class and cried during the big beach scene between Eric and Charles. My sister kept looking at me like I was the mutant.
Carlo Hesser is always a villain!
Oh, yes, it's all of that. But McKinley's book is so good.
Really? Must check this out. Thanks!
I LOVED The Storyteller. I recently borrowed the DVD from my friend's kids, LOL, and it's still amazing.
As far as sexy/creepy, there's always the Donkeyskin/Manycoats stories, which are about the king who wants to sex up and marry his daughter, so she runs away and hides before she eventually finds a non-related royalty to marry her. (Novel version rec: Deerskin by Robin McKinley)
The back half of season 5 didn't do much my goodwill for the show any favors, either. So, yeah, season 6 pretty much did in the rest.
For the first time ever, I actually read spoilers about the Wolverine movie even though I have zero interest thanks to the goodwill I have toward the franchise from the amazing First Class movie.
Exactly. No Goliath and Demona? No Eliza Maza or Xanatos? Pass.
I actually love this movie for how terrible it is and how I made my sister sit through it until her eyeballs metaphorically bled from the damage it did to her childhood. (She repaid me with a nuTrek rewatch.)
Same here. I didn't really notice how much I missed, though, until I got the DVD and watched with captions. But I'm used to this as someone who's hard of hearing.
The third ep of series two is going to be as evil a cliffhanger as the first one. DAMN YOU MOFFAT.
I just thought it was me, LOL. I'm hard of hearing and I enjoyed the film more once it was on DVD and I could follow with captions.
Oh, I know right? But I love what Moff and Ritchie both have done with Watson. Jude Law and Martin Freeman are my favorite parts of both.
Thank you, Morning Spoilers, for reminding me that Haven starts this week! And the Sherlock Holmes photos seems to answer someone's question from yesterday on whether Jude Law would be back as Watson...
I haven't seen any of the top films for my entire region. Maybe if Netflix wasn't going up on their prices, I could get around to them, LOL. (Although Run, Lola, Run is #6 in my city, which I have actually watched.)
Thanks for the link but nothing in it changes the fact I am profoundly uncomfortable with the way the FLOTUS has framed her war on "childhood obesity" campaign and will continue to be so as long as it's narrowly focused on childhood obesity and not a broader campaign to making all kids healthier. (Even if that's the…
I don't ever actually stream movies, so I save $3/month by going with the DVD-only option and I don't miss out. But I still think it's evil that there isn't some savings on a combined DVD+streaming plan. Even if it's only a couple bucks, it would've softened the blow some.
You call it a champion of child nutrition, I call it making fat kids a target for ridicule for yet another reason. Tomato, To-mah-to.