
I know exactly what you mean. I loved the RDJr movie and thought it was the best thing ever...AND THEN I SAW THE BBC SHOW. Cumberbatch/Freeman are it for me, now.

Harry Potter, Jr and Senior. :)

This is my Harry Potter!

I spent my entire time in grad school being considered brilliant on paper, but ignorant in person because I was a fat Southern woman. And, unfortunately, it was the "in person" opinion that tended to win out with my professors and peers. Even though I live in the South, my accent is constantly remarked on because I

Yay! I totally skipped them too. I just had my mom fill me in once it started looking interesting instead of boring. Glad you're enjoying it! :)

You're obviously a bigger Buffy fan than I ever was, so I really can't argue with your examples point for point, but I don't remember Buffy S2 being any more enjoyable for me than S2 of TVD has been.

Of all the eps you've mentioned, I'm pretty sure they happen much later than S2 in Buffy. S1 of Buffy sucked. S2 was better, but I don't think it had really reached any vaulted heights as yet. I think it's unfair to ask TVD to have reached many of the milestones you've listed because they just haven't had time.

LOL, thanks? I'm just saying what I think. Neither show are my favorites and I don't like Whedon's work as a whole. But my mother loves vampires, so I've watched everything from the original Dark Shadows, to Buffy/Angel, True Blood, and now, The Vampire Diaries. I find TVD more entertaining than I did Buffy on the

I prefer it to Buffy, actually, and I've watched both since say 1 and, in BtVS's case, until the bitter end.

The start of season 1 is a bit slow but it picks up if you give it a chance and it never lets up again. If you can make it until Elena figures out Stefan is a vampire, everything is up from that point on.

Hmm, it's not clear, here is what he wrote:

Actually, it does some, LOL. Not to make you betray your source, but since Misha is leaving of his own accord does that mean he's not the fan favorite being killed off that Ausiello had the rumor about? If you can comment, I mean.

I want to keep watching but last season was lackluster and Cas has become my favorite character way and above either of the Winchesters. If they do Cas justice and managed to redeem him before he disappears (and they don't kill him off), I may be able to stomach checking in now and then, but if not, I'll be too bitter

I haven't heard anything new since right after the finale but this doesn't surprise. So disappointed. Definitely not watching once there's no Cas. :(


Emma Stone as Lizzy Bennett? Yes, please! I'll actually sit through a movie about zombies, even!

From your transcript, I would assume he's saying with reality TV, anybody can become a "celebrity," even something like a chair because the nature of the genre — i.e., any idiot (or thing) can gain celeb status. And he's saying he just happens to be a celebrity in the most basic sense, hence the comparison to himself

This! I was just coming to say that! If there's anything he should be remembered for, it's that!

As a creative writing exercise in high school, I once rewrote Sleeping Beauty from the POV of the evil fairy/Maleficent and I did not include any of that. She just really didn't like stuck-up asshole royalty who didn't invite her to their shindigs. Maybe Disney can hire me to write?

Thanks! Someone on one of my soap forums pointed me in the same direction. :)