
Oh man, yeah, Keanu is sooo bad in Dracula and I'm a Nic Cage fan, so bad actors usually entertain me but to put him up there with real actors was just cruel. What were they thinking?!? I do like Dracula, I just can't believe they're saying they didn't enjoy Mummy #1, it's a really enjoyable flick.

I'm sorry, I'm still reeling over the fact that you went all the way back to FFC's Dracula, implying you didn't like The Mummy. I know that the sequels were a hot mess but the first Mummy movie is wonderful. For years, it was my favorite movie EVER. How did you not enjoy it?!?!

I liked it, too. It was just good enough that I cared to tune in every week and I'm excited it's coming back.

I've seen this movie. It starred Nic Cage and it wasn't very good.

Since I barely understand the math of this, I just want to say that Angel Clare is the one of the biggest assholes of literature EVER, even compared to fellow asshole-and-also-rapist, Alec Stoke-d'Urberville. His assholery tainted the character of Angel on BtVS for me for a very long time after I read Tess in high

If that's the case, that is what fanfiction is for! Most of the Cas-centric fic I read is better than what we got in Season 6 period, I'm just saying.

Oh, Sera Gamble, please stop with the non-answers. And what you promised for Season 7 was exactly what you promised for Season 6 and guess what? YOU FAILED HORRIBLY. As a Cas fan, I'm just waiting for his inevitable destruction in S7e1 so I can stop caring about SPN period.


This is the way I feel whenever someone gets all up in my face about any of the cross gen pairings I like to read in fanfic. Just because he's hot and eternally young-ish, it somehow becomes okay that's he's 200 years older than her, but if he were 20 years older and looked it, then it's weird? Ok, then.

I'm just going to leave this link here...

Yes! Agreed completely. Daniel Jackson as Hawkman was my favorite part of SV in a very long time.

Ugh, yes, agreed. I refused to see this thing and let it tarnish my love for the first two.

I feel exactly the same way and I usually scream back at the TV. I know, I know, crazy fat lady!

I think I saw this on Numb3rs once.

But I do think when you look at the linguistic evidence - particularly their use of 1,500 year old sayings on their inscriptions, which is sorta like if politicians started randomly quoting Beowulf (which, now that I type it, sounds pretty awesome actually) - there's good evidence of this particular society having an

This sounds a little too much like "those people shouldn't get government assistance because they wear $100 sneakers or have a nice flat screen TV" to me. It's much easier to save up $500 one time to buy a TV than it is to consistently have enough funds to pay your bills each month. What if they bought it before their