
I wouldn't know living with your parents/family past the age of 18 was weird if it wasn't for the omg!panic on TV and blogs talking about how horrible it is because you know what?

Agreed. I tried and it was just too painful and it sends me running for my TOS boxsets for real Trek every time.

This explains why I felt the same way (meaning: hated) about both of them. Yay Charlie!

I liked Enterprise too which definitely puts me in the minority. The thing that bugged me about ENT, though, was I ended up attached to the B-team of characters which meant I was forever hoping that they'd get a chance to shine in the midst of four seasons of the T'Pol/Tucker/Archer show. Maybe if it had lasted

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You devious fiends! But you don't have to go through all that, the rest of my household will watch SPN regardless of my feelings and will, in fact, text me about what's happening even when I don't want them to so they've got this torture all lined up for me already. ;)

When a show no longer entertains me, I stop watching it. The only thing I continued to find interesting on SPN after S4/S5 was Castiel, especially in this last season. This, of course, is not universally true for all SPN fans, which is cool; I don't mind if y'all keep watching until the show's last moment ever, but I

I liked Season 2 of SPN, but S3 was very hit or miss with me, so I was pretty much over it, until I happened to catch the S4 premiere at my mom's and I was blown away by Castiel and the reveal that angels existed. It's the ONLY reason I didn't give this show up back then. In theory, I'm not against the Castiel s/l

I know, that made me sad, I love Sebastian Roche to pieces. Still, I think the blind item was pointing toward a bigger character than our dear Balthazar.

Because I've only been hanging around because of that character? IMO, S6 was a badly plotted hot mess and I only stuck around because I hoped Castiel would get a decent storyline. Instead what I got was the finale, which I consider the opposite of that. I was willing to give s7 a chance if we got to see Castiel's

I'm not holding my breath for Castiel on SPN past the premiere. Ausiello/TV Line had a blind item about a fan favorite being killed off in either the finale or next season's premiere and how it was going to piss fans off to no end. Given the finale of SPN, I can't help but think it's Castiel, especially when Sera

Invisible Man should make every list. That show was so awesome!

Yeah, it definitely changes the Carolyn character for her to be so young. She was sorta the sex kitten/party girl on the old show.

I can't imagine that it'll be anything but Barnabas-centric given the Burton/Depp/HBC angle of it. I can see why they'd go that route but I really wish someone else was playing Julia. She's one of my favorite characters and I don't see it with HBC. I actually do think a lot of the casting announced so far has missed

As a fan of the original soap, the Dark Shadows movie is either going to be completely awesome or it's going to fail so hard. There is no in-between on this one.

YAY! Now if only I can be assured that they're gonna be nice to Cas, I could watch the season finale in peace. Thank you for sharing this!

Hey, Chuck execs, the only return I want is the second resurrection of Bryce Larkin. I've been keeping up with this show through two horrible seasons for that reason ONLY.

This is what we soap fans have needed to give more punch to our "Save our Soaps" rallies versus ABC/Disney. Someone to Suriname and pick this up, stat!

I'm much more concerned with the fact that I have less than a year left of One Life to Live, a show that has been on for 43 years. I still haven't broken the news to my grandmother.

I can't help but hope that Cas+Bal team up to take down Crowley or something! IDK, I just want Castiel to be forgiven by the brothers, who are coming off very douche-y in this new development. I have rarely liked Dean less than I do right now.