Some people just can’t enjoy nice things. Fuck em... This episode was incredible
Some people just can’t enjoy nice things. Fuck em... This episode was incredible
The Wire A+, Treme A/A-, Deuce B+ seems about right to me.
Paul’s entire character seems to exist so he can get AIDS in season 3. It’s really ridiculous.
The music in this show is so great, and it’s usually not flashy or in your face (aside from the closing montage of course, but that was very intentional). So many times there will just be a scene of characters talking and you can pick out a great Bowie or T-Rex track in the background.
Bobby’s one of my favorite characters for some reason...I like how Bauer gets to play a comedic scumbag, which is a far cry from his role on The Wire.
This season started out pretty slow, but yeah I think it’s eclipsing S1 now. The Red Hot arc has been so well done, and a lot of side characters from S1 are getting a lot more depth now...even Franco as Frankie is growing on me.
Well, there were a few in the Wire season 5, but yeah generally he’s great at nuance. CC is one of the most interesting villains I’ve seen in awhile.
Holy crap! I knew he looked familiar...was pretty good in that scene too.
I think there’s an attitude in Hollywood where they say “hey we’re adapting a video game...that means we gotta appeal to the lowest common denominator with this shit.”
Wow, after an awfully dull episode last week, the Deuce came roaring back in episode 3. Loved just about every scene in this one, and it’s restored my faith in the show going forward. A lot of good payoffs from earlier threads, and nice setups for the future...big upgrade from some of these eps that are just “stuff…
Hey show some respect for an Artist that has managed to grow and nurture her career to the point where she can finally land a role in the Ugly Dolls movie.
I still like this show a lot...but man, this was a profoundly boring episode. S1 was a little aimless, but at least it had arcs about the rise of Vinnie and Candy, the changing nature of the street trade etc. So far this season has just plodded along. Couldn’t care less about the Vinnie/Abby relationship, too, which…
Yeah that was actually funny. And Carrey had some nice hammy moments. But everything else...good god
If you think The Long Night wasn’t a crazy expensive episode to film, I don’t know what to tell you...
From everything I’ve read, I think it’s mostly a streaming/buffering issue. Though granted a lot of viewers might have had a poor viewing setup for a dimly lit episode (bright lights/glare on the screen etc). Glad it was fine for me as well, but I feel bad for those who couldn’t see well...because it was a pretty…
I’ve never seen an actor in a kids movie commit harder than Grant does to Paddington 2.
They’ve already been primed by the Sesame Street Game of Thrones shorts... the youth and toddler demographic is ready!
The only bassline competition this show’s theme has is the various versions of Way Down in the Hole from The Wire.
Yep, I am old too. 2 hour movies are pushing it for one sitting. 2.5 almost always warrant back-to-back nights. 3 hours+...hoo boy I’ve gotta plan out my entire week.
Simon (and/or the directors he works with) really excels at these.