reformed calvinist

Here’s a response...but it’s 18 months too late.

I’ll see your lukewarm take and raise you a hot take: this scene was bad and I hated it. Also, the movie as a whole was mediocre.

Yeah I’m not a PW fan either....I don’t hate them, but they are so tough to balance. Either they are unplayable or they end up format warping like Teferi.

*throws all the oscars at WeirdandGilley*

Thought I was the only one that hated GotG2, so yay for not being alone! I had already kind of gotten lukewarm on Marvel, and with this being as hyped as it was, I was prepared to be won back over...but it kind of ended my interest in the series. Every frame was so painfully packed with garish CGI detail, the story

Great article. There really is no way to reconcile the inevitable bend of the plot with what made the show (and books) so beloved in the early years, which is fundamentally human drama and gritty anti-trope fantasy.

My Three Chrichtons definitely needed a B-plot or something. There just wasn’t enough story to fill the entire episode, especially considering what a well-worn trope it is. Coming off of some of the truly terrible episodes thus far this season, I was willing to cut it a little bit of slack, but it really sits in the

Yeah it really holds up. I recently went on a “big beat” electronica binge, and Fat of the Land and some of their other stuff are real stand outs.

Yeah its PG, 95% sure. I watched it with my kids when they were like 6 and 8, so the ghost BJ thing wasn’t as uncomfortable as it COULD be because it was just some wacky thing that didn’t make sense, like a whole ton of other stuff in there. Now a few years later, I feel wary about revisiting it. I don’t like to

I just feel bad for the CGI techs working on It 2. Think of all the extra hours they’re going to have to put in to generate all this blood.

“In this day and age, yes. I think a big part of the ‘not Star Trek’ thing is that they set it in the past. Many of the issues would be fixed if they just set it after the Dominion War.”

This is so easy to not fuck up (but they will anyway). You trap a couple people in a mansion with zombies. It’s Saw meets Night of the Living Dead. There’s also some cool additional monster designs like the tyrants, plant stuff, hunter things. And themes of corporations out of control. It practically writes itself. The

Super psyched for this, especially because the live show had a really good mix of new stuff, classics, and a few unreleased tracks iirc like Bus Driver Song. The initial singles on spotify though....they’re ok? But it’s kind of annoying to have the crowd reactions so loud in the mix, especially because a lot of what

Emotionally manipulative is a far cry from emotionally affecting. That’s like saying “isn’t the entire point of being in a relationship to be emotionally manipulated?”

My problem personally (which im contributing to, by having clicked on and now commented on this article...doh), is that these articles are founded on a premise where the author is reacting to some perceived cultural judgment of the thing, rather than the thing itself. Like, if you want to go in deep and analyze 27

I’m not the biggest fan of BSG, but agree that their blend of serialization and standalones was basically perfect. It helped that they had such a strong narrative hook to begin the series.

God I’m just now remembering that I saw The Village in theaters. WHY DID I DO THAT?!

I kind of hate action movies as I get older, but the MI series just does it for me every time (except #2). Haven’t seen Fallout yet though, because I’m behind on everything.

The first one really sets the bar high for a pulling-off-rubber-masks quota. I’m not sure any of the sequels have been able to top that, but I’m willing to be proven wrong.

Keep at it...HK just gets even better. And make sure you’re taking the time to explore. As another poster said, there’s a very quick path to Hornet if you find it.