reformed calvinist

A-qua-man.... he swims like a moron

Gymnastics scene was the BEST part of an otherwise pretty dull movie imo. Still better than JP3 though.

Maybe because I had zero expectations and saw it with my kids, but I thought RP1 was fine...obviously not good, but not offensively bad either. They didn’t pick up on 90% of the pop culture references (seriously why the heck does a kids movie have a 30 minute sequence dedicated to The Shining?!), but they enjoyed it

Yeah it does seem like tv drama is slumping... I blame HBO and the cable networks, I guess, because they just haven’t been able to reproduce those highs from the 00s. Netflix has produced some alright stuff...but I can’t help but think that their production budgets and the 10-episode seasons put too much of a

Avengers: Revengers

I’d think it strange if Black Panther won a theoretical best superhero movie of the year, or even best Marvel movie of the year award... nominating it for best picture oscar would be ludicrous. The movie is a total mess (though an entertaining one, admittedly).

“Now, how the fuck do I get Wonderful Christmastime BANNED FOREVER???”

I feel like I played it more in 2017 due to early access, but yeah its a good one. I don’t love the typical roguelike design it uses of, lots of easy levels and then PUNISHINGLY CRUEL final boss (see also: FTL), but other than its a really well made game.

I’m still trying to plow through my first run of it. Started watching it kind of as a joke, but was really charmed by the early seasons. Hit a wall at Season 5 though, as the “charm” started to feel kind of forced and not sure I can keep going...

Yes! Came with to see just this and glad it was the second comment :D

Well this is a bit late but yes... think S3 is very underrated. Sure, it doesn’t have the freshness of the other 2 seasons, or even maybe the all-time classic sketches (aside from a few). But the production values are just top’s really easy to see how this transitions into their films, whereas S1 and S2

Yeah I saw someone mention a “new” Robin Hood movie and thought either they were joking or that the Russel Crowe one was still considered new.

Everything about it looks pretty cool to me...except the voice. Like he’s trying to straddle the line between cute and grizzled, but failing to be either. Wish they had cast someone else.

Now maybe the plot to Cave Dwellers will make sense :P

Dang, that’s a good counterargument. That movie’s cast is just STACKED.

Right there with you. Just rewatched Begins and TDK back to back, and the latter is just SO much better in every way. Nolan’s direction is kind of shoddy in BB, possibly because he had to cram too much plot in, or had studio interference. But TDK is such a sleek, confident movie in comparison and totally holds up imo.

Ah heck yes for ZAMN. The more I read these comments the more woefully inadequate the original article seems.

Good call...original Diablo 1 especially for me. There was just this sense of dread about venturing out of the (already kinda creepy) town and deeper and deeper into that church. Later games became more of a loot-grabbing fest, but to me the original had the most atmosphere.

Hah exact same thing happened to me. I actually found it a bit repetitive though, so I probably won’t ever go back to do the last tier of dungeons. But if I ever did, I’d probably have to restart, because I definitely can’t remember what I was doing.

Sure. It’s more gothic fantasy than spooky scary horror, exactly, but it’ll do.