I have read, processed this information, and formed an opinion. :|
I have read, processed this information, and formed an opinion. :|
Yeah, I’m definitely a star wars cynic at this point, but something about this has me intrigued. Favreau is reliably good, and I like the idea of expanding the narrative via a serialized show. One of the biggest problems with the SW franchise right now is the really predictable plot beats from a 2 hour movie / trilogy…
VERY cool.
“As far as Salem, the chatty, animatronic cat who sparred with Joan Hart on ABC (and then The WB), though the casting director found a handsome black cat to fill the role, it’s a non-speaking one as Sabrina’s helpful familiar.”
Absolutely right. I wonder if they could use this controversy to just drop the Simpsons altogether? That would be nice...
Did they at least get to a fireworks factory though? Or rastify anybody?
Shutter Island was pretty weak... The Departed I have a lot of mixed feelings about (feels like a parody of a Scorsese movie almost, but a well made one). I really need to catch up on his stuff though...still haven’t even seen Wolf of Wall St
Oh man, but I remember some good shit on tv in that timeslot though, like Price is Right or Lambchop.
Exactly...I like the series as it stands (well, I still kinda hate Thunderdome), and don’t want to see it watered down with a lot of inferior sequels, like every other franchise in existence it seems.
I guess that’s the name of the six-episode season, like last season was called “The Return.”
Yeah the dialogue always seems like it’s coming straight out of a writer’s room. There are so many long monologues like that where you can just feel it being overwritten. Most of the actors do their best though, so I guess it’s just clumsy writing/direction.
I had already kind of checked out on this show about halfway through, because the "scary" elements were so rote and poorly done. So the finale didn't seem that much worse to me I guess. But definitely ended like one of Six Feet Under's more saccharine episodes. Actually, that show probably had its fair share of…
“Hasn’t the controversy surrounding this movie been raging for a small eternity?”
Eh, I thought the floating man looked a little goofy too. To each their own
Well never mind, this makes sense later. But definitely seems off in the first episode
I also like how they play up that shes a germophobe... Even though they introduce her going down on a random chick from some bar. But as long as she has gloves on, guess its fine.
Woof...this episode was slow. Normally I love criss-crossing timelines and flashbacks, but it felt like we spent way too much time with the kittens and someone’s grandma. I wanted a lot more about Nell’s death and the aftermath but it felt like that kept getting shoved to the side. With that said though, really great…
Yeah same problem here. There is a freakishly high number of brunette white women on the show with similar length hair and it gets a bit hard to keep them straight sometimes.
I feel like this is an endless crusade for me, but I don’t understand why people endlessly praise RT but more or less ignore metacritic. Because of the binary nature of RT, movies are constantly shoved into high or low percentiles even if many critics just feel most “meh” about them.
Ah yes, the joy of writing reboots...you get to leech off of the branding of a decades-old IP without actually adhering to any of its continuity. Such visionary filmmakers we are blessed with these days...