reformed calvinist

Considering that Netflix doesn’t actually back this up with publically-available data, are we supposed to take them at their word, instead of viewing this as free publicity for some of their really shitty shows that no one would ever watch except possibly for the purposes of “binge-racing.”

I’ve always liked Kristina, so episodes like this are particularly irritating to me. In general, her character has been so poorly written for much of S5-S6, so it’s hard to keep on her side, even 3 years in the future after the kinjapocalypse.

Same here. Netflix has really forsaken quality for just sheer quantity. Which, I understand the angle... they want their site to appear to be bursting with new stuff for you to binge (though really they’re just hiding the piss-poor amount of non-original content they have).

Now that I’ve heard the full album, it pretty much all sucks, aside from Dreams and Up All Night, so I guess Wow actually fits in pretty well.

Yeah, same. The S1 theme and Waits’ original were easy to like, but 3 and 4 took awhile to grow on them now. S5 theme still kind of sucks though.

I was never much of a fan of the Community theme either, though it grew on me a bit. It’s also TOO DAMNED LOUD. Can we get an inventory on themes that are TOO DAMNED LOUD? Because there’s a shit ton of them.

The people hating on the Wire theme have to be the MOST wrong (I’m sure there’s a thread about this later).

He’s not even explaining anything...he’s just factually incorrect about something. But whatever, i guess if you want that sweet sweet twitter karma, you have to reduce everything to an us v them narrative.

I kinda wish he had left Wow off the album...feels like goofy B-side material to me. Liking all the other singles though.

Seriously. If someone does something good can we just ACCEPT IT AT FACE VALUE!?

Yeah I’m more excited to see his arc than any of the “good guy” trio.

I think all the “trash” comments are just hyperbole. I’m with you thinking it was “okay”...which in itself is kind of damning. For a giant space epic to merely be shrugworthy isn’t a great result.

Watching this trailer just made me remember how much better I liked Rogue One than Force Awakens. I had forgotten that all these shlubs were still alive and all the characters I liked are dead :/

Once again the conservative basic-only subscription pays off the hungry investor!

I think it gets more of a bad rap than it deserves, and honestly the different versions are 90% the same thing anyway. Ford’s voice acting is just so-bad-it’s-good, so it also has that going for it.

It’ll be even more confusing when they release the sequel, Deux Ex Machina.

As much as I love Dune, I agree that it’s an easy cut here. Would personally take off the Carruth films too, but I guess some people love them, so whatevs.

They added the ambiguity in the director’s cut, so maybe your perception is influenced by originally seeing the theatrical cut? At any rate, I’m just jealous that you had the chance to see it back then.

My daughter just adores his books. They are a little bit informal for my tastes, but anything that can get a kid to read non-fiction is good with me.

Yeah I go back and forth on the extra heart vs the smoke bomb. Using extra heart feels kind of wimpy, but there are just some levels where I’m not doing a lot of dashing, and the damage reduction isn’t that big of a factor.