reformed calvinist

I’ve officially drunk the kool-aid on this one. Bought it two days ago, and after a punishing 7 hours on the first day, wasn’t sure I was really enjoying myself. But after some time to recharge, I’m fully on board. The game is a little too unforgiving, since you can essentially make 2 mistakes per level, but the

Yeah, my parents are actually really stoked for this? They certainly were pushing it on me, like they do with the BBT... every single time they see me.

Apparently, not really :/

Same ranking here (2>4>3>1). 3 probably would be higher, but it felt too much like a rehash of 2. 1 was good, but it took too long to find its footing.

Yeah, I really hope they are broken up next season. I like both of the characters on their own, but the relationship is tedious at this point, and the characters work a lot better when they aren’t tied down with each other.

Dude, this post and your research is amazing... except I can’t quite get behind your judgment that Full House was a “terrible sitcom.” I mean, yes it’s kind of terrible, and maybe its nostalgia and stockholm syndrome talking, from years of watching it as a kid, but I legitimately enjoy the show, and am thrilled every

Right before that scene, I had been thinking “gee this season is good, but we haven’t seen much Horsin’ Around.” And then we got it and it was glorious.

Yeah Goths did not do it for me, especially after Beat the Champ was so great. Rain in Soho is a good song at least.

The geocities monk fan page joke just killed me...turtletaub was on fire.

Nooo... don’t take The Shining on October 1, Netflix! I don’t want to watch it again NOW, but I’d probably watch it sometime in October before Halloween.

MST3K is absolutely perfect for this. I’m still working my way through the 20 that are on Netflix, and I’ll move on to YouTube once I’m done.

Three taps though? Complete overkill and downright offensive to any competent movie driver.

HUZZAH! I also apparently now have infinite notifications upon logging in. Feels good to be back.

That was savage. I’m also pretty sure she was in the Illusionist? Mostly because I recently watched The Prestige, and I’m fairly sure she wasn’t in that.

I didn’t really care about Braff, since his character felt so cartoon-ish (haHA!) anyway. But I thought this was a pretty weak episode. I like wacky episodes, and I (sometimes) like bottle episodes... but this combination didn’t really do much for me overall, especially after the greatness of the last few weeks. Still

What, do they not have Kinja over there yet?

Every clip of it I’ve seen seems really mean-spirited, so I’m not sure it’s a show for me, but with all the rave reviews it gets, I should probably watch it sooner or later.

I’m still more of a reading than listening guy, so give me a series of weekly articles and I’d much prefer that to a podcast.

The “baseline competence” aspect is really key, I think. Which is why something like Troll 2 is an incredibly good bad movie, because while the acting and effects are all terrible, the general editing, cinematography, and pacing are all solid. And then something like Manos: the Hands of Fate is unwatchable, except

Seinfeld and Breaking Bad both used their lack of intro (or short one in BBs case) as an artistic statement that reflected on the show itself. Similarly, I think that shows like Bojack or GoT or Adventure Time, or a ton of others really benefit from the artistic statement of the intros/outros. I’m fine with the option