reformed calvinist

This is a Han Solo origin story with Donald Glover co-starring. If it is serious instead of "loose and funny," I'm so not fucking interested.

And what a great TV show, and certainly nothing beyond that, it was.

Almost every song on the show sounds better in that context than listening to it separate. I don't know enough about sound design to really understand why, but it definitely seems like Lynch put enough "room reverb" on the soundtrack that gives them a little kick.

Yeah… hipsters congregate in the Seattle metro area. Definitely don't see much of that in the smaller towns, unless you're counting Bellingham or Olympia.

The Hydra scene was one of the only things I liked about Hercules… it was just so laughably incompetent. The rest of the movie was boringly incompetent.

I can't binge anything, but I watched about 1/2 to 1/3 of an episode of every night until I was done, only taking a short break around the episode 9 mark. Just something I really wanted to come back to…very comforting.

Yep, same feeling here. The buildup in that movie is magnificent, but the culmination got kind of tedious to me. Once a certain quota of people has been been bloodily murdered, it just becomes dull. I wish he would have found more interesting ways to resolve the various plot threads.

Every single review I've read of this spends multiple paragraphs talking about Pecknold going back to college. FFS, just talk about this music already. And yes, the hooks here are less immediate than on the self titled. The album is clearly a grower… I think it's gorgeous on first few listens, but am waiting for it to

From a journalist who is paid to produce an album review? No. From a random internet commenter? Yes.

Or you can have kids and just have a general policy of "fuck you, this is what we're watching now." There's plenty of great children's movies to fill the time.

It's almost as if putting genuine talent behind and in front of the camera produces a good movie (and vice versa), regardless of the genre/cinematic universe trappings.

That's kind of where I'm at… I'm reaallllyyy appreciating some scenes of the show. But almost everything with Dougie is pretty bad. Like, how many times are we supposed to laugh at him standing there like an idiot? It was funny maybe the first time, but it's just tiresome now that we're at the 20th plus scene of it.

Maybe I need to play more "violent" games and less MOBAs… because I feel like video games cause more anger and aggression than they soothe.

I've liked the advance singles, but had trouble getting through the NPR stream. Will probably wait for proper release and reserve judgment. I have a feeling they'll never really top that debut album.

White men releasing music in 2017 that isn't R&B or electronic? Well I never…

That's the one with the fake interview right? I'll admit I probably listen through it more than I skip… it's pretty funny. Kind of oddly compelling like Kendrick-Tupac interview song.

Also: "imprisoned in the kind of nondescript, high-tech compound where the Avengers tend to convene during the slower stretches of a Marvel movie."

I like Glover, but I don't think he has the correct ratio of talent to insufferable-ness.

If someone was trying to use "punkness" to quantify aspects of the Ramones' career… maybe I'd allow. But it should never be used in the same sentence as Redbone, as much as I like that song.

This is pretty unrelated and random…but does anyone else think that Danny Pudi would have been so much better in the role Glover played in The Martian? Every time he was on-screen I just wished so bad it was Abed there instead…the character seemed to be written for Pudi almost.