reformed calvinist

Im in a similar boat…job isn't much to complain about, but it's pretty dull with no room for growth. Tried taking a look online this weekend to see what else is out there, and hoo boy am I unqualified for everything.

This is way late but yes! that death fake-out still annoys the crap at me (as does the frodo one, because like a lot of FotR they have to use sloooowwww moooo toooo thhheeee maxxxxxx).

I can't say I follow everything that they do, but I am still bitter about Cloud Atlas.

Do you prefer the alternative? *coughMatrixRevolutionscough*

I'm pretty sure that everything he does is calculated to troll Europe and the US to the highest degree possible.

"exactly the wrong person to be interviewing Putin if you want someone who will ask intelligent questions and hold his feet to the fire."

Yeah… I think I'm getting old, because the extended action sequences are usually what bore me the most. Especially fist fights…dear lord do I hate fist fights.

Yeah but it's Foo Fighters man… 2 WHOLE years without some new shit? Rock and Roll almost died in the meantime, you know. These guys are the only thing keeping it alive man. I almost found myself listening to Nickelback the other day!

Eh, I think this was article was just an excuse to talk about TP more during the insanely long 2 week wait until the next episode.

Well that's reassuring. I'll jump back in again when I get a chance…maybe start with ep 3 or 4 since I remember the first 2 fairly well.

YES thank you! Action movies have gotten entirely too long lately, I think possibly because all of the extended world tie-ins they're trying to make. I don't mind if a SWEEPING EPIC is 2 hrs+, but imo super hero movies really need to stick to a punchy (pun!) 2 hrs or less, unless they have a damned good reason for

Based off the two advance singles, Fleet Foxes will be an easy AOTY contender.

Ugh, I keep hearing this, and I really want to get to those funny episodes. But I've tried twice now to slog through the beginning section, and failed both times. Feel like I'd need to rewatch from the beginning AGAIN to know what was going on :(((

I want to get back into Heroes of the Storm, but an having trouble finding the time, what with all the hours I spend in Hearthstone and Lord of the Rings Online. To say nothing of my dust-collecting Steam backlog. Sometimes I feel like I don't play games very efficiently, because I don't seem to get much done in the

I'm in the middle of my first EW playthrough that I don't think I will ever finish. It's so hard to come back to that game after a long break. Beat EU once already though, so I might just jump forward to XCom2 when I have time.

Count me in as loving the music outros. It's such a unique and odd way to end a serialized drama, so it works for TP. And the songs have been killer.

Really hoping for a Xiu Xiu appearance.

It's amazing that for all the credit Lynch gets for his vision he brought from painting, he still does sound better than anyone else out there as well. And his acting has been really solid so far too.

I see Bannon as being a Ramsay type for sure.

So I'm pretty sure they'll be airing 1 per week after episode 4… that would make ~14 weeks, which far exceeds the 1 month free trial :(((