reformed calvinist

I'm with you…Andy and Lucy can be hilarious (the chocolate bunny scene), but they quickly become tiring. The whole cell phone gag was so painfully unfunny to me. The Michael Cera bit was ok until it went on for too long. Really liking the show still on the whole, but could stand for a bit less of those two.

Huh… I'm the opposite. I loved the premiere and then was a little let down by eps 3 and 4 (which granted felt a lot more like Twin Peaks). I actually retroactively went from A- to A on this one after seeing those and thinking back to this one more. It really stuck with me,

Yeah…I've actually lost sleep trying to cram viewing of these 4 episodes in over the last few nights. I feel like the show has been warping my brain a little. Will be nice to have a few days off :)

The entire scene with Lynch and Duchovny seemed to be a meta-reference to his casting decision.

That's how I felt too. The slow pacing in Eps 1 and 2 worked to the show's advantage, but I feel like it really dragged in Eps 3 and 4. Too much Cera, too much Duchovny, too much "idiot Cooper" fumbling around. We'll see where it goes from here, but Lynch's glacial pacing works muuuuuch better with the

I thought Ben looked decent, but Jerry seemed to have aged 2-3x as much as the rest of the cast. He was really rocking that bearded old man look

Yeah… I'm waiting for that too. The original version is uh…much less good.

If you're in a rush, just watch the 1st episode, the one where the killer is revealed (7 I think?), and the finale. It's probably worth it to watch the whole season, but there are a lot of bad episodes in there and it takes awhile to get through the whole thing. Definitely watch FWWM. Like, now.

That dopey tree prop… how they hell did Lynch make that so terrifying? I thought the ghost dude showing up in the box couldn't possibly be topped, but Cooper's entire trip in the 2nd half was so strange and horrible.

That was the moment that sold me on the new show… I had been a bit hesitant until then. But man, that song and that entrance…

Yeah same here (well minus the Darkwing Duck…must have missed that ep). FWWM was bewildering and terrifying, but it felt like it held up on its own even with my confusion. Actually it probably makes as much sense as an stand-alone movie as Lost Highway or some of his others.

WRONG. Libtards bulling the POTUS on a daily basis these days it's sick and…

This album is so stacked… obviously it has the handful of massive hits, but everything in between is rock solid too.

Ah such a classic. It convinced me to see the Wicker Man remake but I still really need to check out Vampire's Kiss and Deadfall.

Mid-30s here, and I mostly got into him from the hype surrounding Mulholland Drive. I might have seen Blue Velvet before it, but definitely missed the release of LH and certainly Twin Peaks.

Ah nice…a new person to follow!

Cornell was easily the most talented singer of that entire scene…just an incredibly powerful voice.

I re-watched it recently, and found it unbearably boring. And 2001 is one of my favorite movies of all time!

"Entire scenes are just people staring at special effects. "

Haven't seen the show yet, but it seems like every still on the TV Club has a female character missing her shirt.