I really need to somehow start liking Pygmalion. I could never even make it through the first track back in the day, but maybe I'm older and wiser now.
I really need to somehow start liking Pygmalion. I could never even make it through the first track back in the day, but maybe I'm older and wiser now.
Yeah…slowdive deserved its own article. The new album is completely fantastic..and what's amazing, coming from a long defunct band, is how fresh it sounds. Stays true to their old sound without sounding like a re-tread at all. Obviously the quick comparison point is going to be the last MBV album, and I think this…
If Netflix doesn't produce a season 12, I will burn my subscription. BURN IT DOWN.
I may have semi-annual affairs with Prime, but at the end of the day, I always come home to Netflix.
If you weren't laughing at a Shakespeare production, you probably saw a shitty production. This includes the tragedies.
Next Week on the AV Club: Sixteen Oddly Specific Team-Ups in our latest Inventory!
Man, these episode ratings are pretty wack so far, but I guess to each his own.
Yeah it's pretty dumb. I'm probably one of the few people with nothing better to do than refresh this page every couple days and sort the comments newest first.
I haven't seen nearly enough of the classic episodes (going to remedy this when I finish the new season), but I've always loved Joel's laid back, incredibly dry delivery.
Dude, I've had nightmares about that exact shot since childhood. Vader is so passive most of the beginning of the fight, and then he's suddenly THERE out of nowhere and he is PISSED.
I JUST rewatched Lost World with my kids. I knew there was shit like parallel bars raptor fighting, unnecessary Vince Vaughn, etc… but I thought the good stuff would outweigh it.
I think my biggest criticism of the Marvel movies is that while there aren't any out and out bad movies (though IM2 comes close), there also aren't any Great ones either. It's the Disney effect of smoothing out every possible edge so that they appeal to the widest demographic possible. There is too much money invested…
I haven't seen it a 2nd time yet, but I have a feeling it might stand up better to repeat viewings than TFA. My 2nd time through TFA felt like a bit of a slog, because it has to spend so much time setting up the trilogy, revisiting every single plot beat from A New Hope, etc.
If there ever was a band that proved they were their era's equivalent of the Monkees… that band was Oasis.
Think Tank still holds that for me, but the first two Gorillaz albums are close.
Yeah Blizzard gets you that way. I've quit OW for the time being, but now I've been lured back into Hearthstone, plus HOTS just gave away a shit ton of free shit, so apparently I'm playing that now too (plus you get OW skins for playing it again).
I honestly wondered if Oswalt had just been photoshopped into the first still to attract our attention, since he wasn't listed in the cast.
I believe it's on Netflix now (can't remember if Nabin mentioned this). I'm intrigued enough to give it a shot now too.
Only on ep3 now, but if MST3K: the Return gets any better than Cry Wilderness, I'm not sure I'll be able to handle it.
I feel like GoT is not going to be a good reference point for this show. Maybe they can at least learn a bit from Legend of the Seeker or MTV Shannara, at any rate.