I'm still on the first episode. Sipping it like a fine wine.
I'm still on the first episode. Sipping it like a fine wine.
Time for a binge weekend!
If I mildly state my preference for Rogue One over TFA will it at least irk you a little?
Haven't seen H&P yet, but man the special has been a slog so far. Haven't finished it yet, but the jokes just seem like talking points that he previously crafted good jokes out of.
Yeah… I hate inspid pop songs as much the next guy, but this feature is just routinely low-hanging fruit (except for the times where it morphs into HOT TAKE! THIS SONG YOU GUYS LIKE IS BAD, which is probably worse still). If it were at least pithy, it might be ok…but fuck, that was a lot of text.
I've fallen asleep twice in now in consecutive nights to Reptilicus (which is kind of the point I guess… I use MST3K as my sleepytime show, along with stuff like ST TOS/TNG and Doctor Who). Absolutely loving the skits and peripheral stuff, but man the movie itself is dull.
Yeah but the space battle was resolved by a young child accidentally crashing his spaceship, so it's cool.
Is TV Club going to cover this series or what? I guess it's hard to classify as movies vs tv.
I think "loyalty loyalty loyalty" goes down with "I'm real I'm real I'm really really real" in the Kendrick hooks hall of shame.
I kind of wish TPAB didn't have the repeating spoken-word poetry bits (maybe this is heresy). I love everything else he did on the album, but I just get a little tired of hearing those same lines come up, even if they are thematically relevant.
GKMC is still #1 for me too. The album is just jam-packed with great stuff, with the abrupt shifts mid-song, the over-arching story, the crazy-catchy hooks etc. It does drop off a bit at the end, I guess, but otherwise complete 10/10. I really appreciate the ambition of TPAB, but GKMC still feels more viscerally great…
That's about where I am right now too… I'd put it on the level of Section.80, personally. Kendrick himself is pretty fantastic throughout, but the production is too straightforward for my tastes. I really miss the mad genius of GKMC and TPAB.
I long for the days when I didn't know what Shopkins were…..sigh.
I just jumped back into HS after a looooooong break, and not sure I feel about it yet. I had a pretty big collection back when I played, so I definitely have the dust to play budget decks competitively, even without opening a lot of new packs. I just hope I don't start running into a wall of unfun-to-play-against…
Oh for sure…if there's some kind of Trump team civil war, I'd much rather the Kushner/Ivanka side win out over the Bannon craziness. A Trump presidency ruled by Kushner probably wouldn't look that much different than the Bush years.
It's become cliche to say this by now… but, they really fucked up DS2 and 3 by allowing so much bonfire warping. What made DS1 special was the sheer, brutal sense of JOURNEY from one place to another. This was almost never replicated in the later games, because of the constant ability to warp. Even the concept of…
Everytime I do a new playthrough of DS1, I'm struck by how rough just getting through the Undead Burg is. Like, I have it memorized by now, and could probably run through it in my sleep. But I still get hung up on some dogs or some other fucking BS.
The Black Knight was the point I was SURE they'd start laughing out loud, but I think the absurdity of it just confused them. I think they liked the Killer Bunny though and the "Sir Not Appearing in This Film" joke.
Based on that still, she's never had to hold a can of soda in her life before. Probably has a dedicated servant just for that.
Maybe because I'm not a late night viewer, but I don't understand the point of the interviews section. No one seems to really like them compared to the stand up bits… are they just there to garner ad money from the films the celebrities are promoting while also helping viewers to drift off into sleep?