reformed calvinist

It wasn't actually a pitch even, he was just retelling an article he read about new islands forming in the north because of climate change that could become a catalyst for WW3 since they were being claimed by russia, China etc.

Such a good fucking song. Dont usually listen to Spoon for the lyrics, but those really hit home.

Yeah this episode was incredibly intense (and I don't even have shitty parents). Probably one of the strongest episodes of the show so far.

The problem is that when we actually do see them at work, those are far and away the worst episodes of the show (imo at least).

He's almost unrecognizable without his Mad Men getup…it's odd. I also didn't realize he was so tall.

Loved hearing Tom Waits also, even if was just as "kooky drug scene" music.

I just don't get how you can justify suing another company for revealing the honest truth about how shitty you are. It feels like Trump's constant threats to sue the NYT etc when they just publish shit that he's said in the past.

And thus ends the RDJ Renaissance.

Eh, you could argue for pretty much every album from A Series of Sneaks on being their best album. They certainly have changed a lot over the years, but they were always great.

Yeah…. I thought this was going to be a zany fun newswire, and then I learned that Patrick Stewart has had crippling arthritis that he's just managing to keep at bay. Fuck.

I watch a lot on my tablet in bed, but my face is like a few feet away from the screen, so it isn't too bad. I can't imagine ever wanting to watching anything on a phone though.

The camera pans up and she turns towards it, so we know it's her. There are a lot of shots like this in the series…I think she enjoys doing them to say "damned straight I can look this good at ~40).

That's what I love about this show… since the creator is a former CIA officer, it gives them a lot of license to be critical.

I doubt he'd hear about anything regarding Oleg from now on, since he isn't helping the CIA. If things did go bad, they certainly wouldn't tell him.

That sounds like torture. I mean, even listening to Led Zeppelin play it all the way through is quite a chore.

Man, I hated that movie for the first 15 minutes or so. Then is got really freaking good once she left their reef. The coconut pirates really sold it for me.

I mean, if that's their business ethos, why be in the arts/entertainment industry in the first place? I feel like they'd be more suited to solely manufacturing kids birthday party supplies or something.

They really just need to give the show a rest for a few years. It was exciting to have the show back, but 10 seasons now… I really don't think they've had any fresh ideas for awhile. Capaldi could have been so good as a doctor, but imo Moffat didn't do enough to differentiate the show from his Matt Smith era. It

Ugh yes please. I guess I'm officially an old man now, because I really want this website to go back to looking and functioning exactly as it did in 2006. This new fangled shit scares and confuses me.

I mean, you basically just described the first installment of every superhero movie/reboot these days.