reformed calvinist

Witcher 3 went this route also… while it had XP, almost all the significant gains were from completing quests, not from combat.

Definitely check out this new one. Sumday and Fambly Cat in between are both alright, as is the Todd Zilla EP.

It's good shit. Really love the slower 2nd half especially.

I like it in theory, but these reviews could stand to be fleshed out a little more.

Why isnt it on Spotify yet, damn it? The advance singles are…

I wouldn't worry about reviews too much. Every Zelda game is pretty much worth playing, even the lesser ones. And also, video game reviewers are notorious for hyping up stuff with very little playtime. So basically all the hype and backlash should be taken with a grain of salt or better yet ignored.

TBH the endless ring-in-hand shots were the worst part about LOTR. Throw in some other McGuffin instead, and you're probably better off. Like Magic Swords!

Olivia Wilde's character was probably the worst thing about the sequel (which i actually liked), so focusing on her in the non-Tron world sounds like the worst idea they could possibly come up with for this. Oh well.

Gah, I missed this review on Friday someone. This album is absolutely killer… possible one of their very best, and damn do they have a long back catalog now. Honestly, I don't think Xiu Xiu fans would complain about the album being too streamlined…especially when it sounds like this. Jamie's work has really covered

Oh that's a bummer to hear. I saw him during the Knife Play/A Promise years with members of Dead Science and it was incredible. Also saw him during the Air Force tour (with Cara (? forget her name now)) and it was pretty decent too.

It's so bad that I almost feel like they should have let La La Land have it and pretend to be none the wiser.

Yeah i check instant watcher, but you aren't kidding about the 90% thing. I can't believe what kind of shit classifies as "new and popular."

Just got S4 of The Americans which I don't remember being pre-announced, so maybe there will be other good stuff in March. Though honestly, I'm getting close to the bottom of the barrel with Prime. Might be time for my semi-annual switch back to Netflix.

That just blows my fucking mind. Especially for the more formless stuff like D&C/Everybody Wants Some.

But this already happened, and we learned nothing. They already fucked up the economy. They almost crashed the entire global economy. And when Obama helped to put the pieces back together, they just gave him shit for it. It's more like one step forward, two back…

It actually makes you feel terrible and scared to death most of the time. Imagine the most important thing in your life is now something you try as hard as you can to protect, but ultimately have to let free into a cruel and hostile world.

And there are us poor suckers who had kids during the Obama years… this is not the future I was envisioning for them

The rich are only rich because they profit on the work of the 99%. If we start getting wiped out by catastrophic climate change, their stockpiled fortunes aren't going to do them much good.

I'm with you, man. I thought the sequel was more or less hot garbage. Loved the first one, though.

They're really risking tarnishing a perfect series, imo. Then again, I thought that TS3 was unnecessary until I saw it.