reformed calvinist

I actually, shamefully, like all those songs. Except Smash Mouth. Fuck those guys.

I haven't seen the sequels, but the original Shrek is definitely pretty mediocre. The only reason it took off was because the irreverent-post-modern-kids entertainment thing was all the rage in the early 00s. The animation is shoddy, the celebrity voice actors (aside from Lithgow) are obnoxious, and the story is trite.

I love the crap out of just about Linklater does, but I'm not sure if any of his movies really warrant screenwriting awards. Then again, I don't have a good sense of how much in his movies is improvised.

I still haven't seen La La Land and feel like it's going to be Birdman all over again… enduring months of months of hype until finally watching it and saying "oh come on, people."

At these give this performance a lifetime achievement award already, ffs.

Pretty neat seeing some of these lined up…but man, the last decade or so (just about everything post-LOTR) has been really mediocre. I assume that's the nominators' faults more than the quality of CGI of late.

Rango was decent but also felt a bit overlong… maybe Verbinski just needs to work with better editors.

Yeah from everything I've seen, Dems will probably lose a few senate seats and maybe gain a few House seats. GOP will retain power over everything.

I mean this "word salad" style of communicating has been present all along the way to him becoming President… particularly in the debates. Apparently a large slice of America understands and enjoys hearing nonsense slide smugly into their ear canals?

Internet killed the Video Star?

They didn't appeal to me either, but then again I'm pretty weary of anything superhero related at this point. Jessica Jones has already kind of tackled the down-to-earth superhero angle pretty well, but maybe Logan will do something different.

They're even worse than the rank and file republicans. At least some of the moderate guys are looking at ways to replace the ACA. Paul just wants to burn it all down, the motherfucker.

Fuck yeah I'd watch a live action Arnett Batman

What about Tis a Pity She was a Whore? That song rocks.

There were so many great guests, but I think Patrick Stewart was far and away my favorite. I still break out in a silly grin just thinking about his bit.

It's pretty tough, even on easy. You basically have to be building your ship the whole time with an eye to the endgame, because if you don't have certain parts on your ship, you're going to get wrecked by the final boss. Feels reeaaaaallly good to win though.

Yeah, watching Hello Ladies really gave a sense of where most of the wit of The Office and Extras came from. Really interested to see what else Merchant does.

I like what he did on Extras a lot, but he seems to have abandoned that sort of growth.

I dunno man…maybe I experienced Batman at an uncritical age, but for me the Prince music and the Tim Burton aesthetic feel intimately connected with the dark knight. Now excuse me while I go dust off my Sega Genesis cartridge and wail on some joker goons.

One of the many things I love about not having a wife/gf/friends/acquaintances is that there isn't a chance in hell I'll get dragged to anything……… sob.