reformed calvinist

There's a full scale war happening on Goodwill shelves across America, between the Fifty Shades and Left Behind factions.

Didn't even watch the trailer, so this is the first I'm hearing about Reiser. So fucking pumped now.

I'm actually surprised at the ratio of anti-Trump to pro-Trump sentiments among 12 year old leet gamers. Makes me optimistic for the future…?

I kind of hated and liked it at the same time, and will probably watch the next season. I thought it started really strong and relatable, kind of went off the rails in the middle, and then doubled down on the messed up stuff and actually got good again by the end.

Spoiler Alert: It actually doesn't work.

Seriously, man. That movie had no balls.

Think there's a Red Dwarf scene with the same joke as well, but too lazy to look up the video. Probably been done a number of times, but it really never gets old.

Isn't that kind of the problem with Will Arnett in a nutshell though?

Spoiler Alert based on Conjecture: They can't.

Pretty sure he's eagerly awaiting all the Oscar speeches against him and is already crafting his twitter rebukes. He fucking gets off on this stuff.

I read that as Spike Lee's Video Game Awards for a moment, which got me excited and confused. But there's a twitter joke I should be making here instead isn't there…

Reddit's not quite as bad as it's made out to be…or maybe it is, and I'm just staying off the front page lately. At any rate, I swear there is actually decent discussion in some of its darkened corners!

JESUS man that's good value. Immediately going on my Amazon Wishlist (even if it'll be incomplete pretty soon here).

I remember watching it before the show itself, and being REALLY damned confused.

Yeah that's how I feel…as a Lynch movie, it's actually pretty good. As part of the Twin Peaks series, it's somewhere between S1 and S2 in terms of quality/essential-ness.

Gotta wait for the $9.99 Dog DLC

This game seems better suited to watching Let's Plays than actually playing anyway. $60 for a 10 hour game that's basically a bunch of jump scares with a side of inventory management? I'm good just watching that for free.

That honestly feels like best case scenario at this point. A Republican that plays by the book I can deal with.

See if it was an intelligent fascist, we'd probably actually be safe. But if there's one thing America likes, it's stupidity.

I'm almost eager for the eventual Russian takeover of our crumbling nation. At least Putin has an air of dignity about him.