reformed calvinist

Trump is just furthering their agenda while destroying any possibility of opposition in the process. Why on earth would any of them stand up to him? He's a fucking godsend for them.

Yeah I'm pretty sure German immigrants are still encouraged in trump's america. It's the darkies he doesn't want.

I can't remember a single thing about S2 right now. I know stuff happened in it, but um… yeah it didn't leave an impression. S1 was aces though.

Eh, as shitty as Pence's values are, I'm less worried about him destroying our democracy and creating a totalitarian state. At least he'll be a total asshole within the limits of the constitution!

Catgirls! Catgirls everywhere…

Hmm… now I want to replay FF8 I think.

I'd be willing to bet that they're going to cut that section, along with most of the interesting and quirky bits of the original. All the footage I've scene so far looks like a self-serious XV-style remake. Bleh…

Just replayed it recently on steam… it really holds up. Interested to see what they do with the remake, but I'm not optimistic.

I got the sense that the "rescue" was staged more for the kids than anything else. They had witnessed Tomas at his lowest, most un-manly. So she gave him the opportunity to redeem himself in their eyes.

It fucking matters because I have 1234980 different playlists on Spotify, and they could all be substantially improved by the presence of Prince.

I like him…don't always agree with him, but I think he manages to articulate really well what he likes and doesn't like in an album. He's also more likely to judge an album based on its artistic merits, than Pfork which is more about cultural context.

It's just Earthling singular for that stamp…which will probably be the least popular of the bunch anyway (but still underrated!)

Yeah, I dunno…I guess as a straight white male, my opinion has little bearing here, but I thought the "fab five" were a reasonably diverse bunch.

I honestly dislike him (and Ben for that matter) as an actor, but I'm not sure that an actor's personal life has bearing on an award itself. I guess it's a sticky situation. Did Mel Gibson get much recognition after all his stuff went down?

That sounds stressful. I'll stay inside doing my inside stuff, thank you very much.

I'm never very current on movies (too broke for the theater), so I expect to catch most of these later. But this is the first year I can remember where a) I haven't seen any of the nominees and b) I haven't even heard of most of them. Feels odd.

But how about the ratio of black people this year? Not Enough? Too Many? Just Right? I need a hashtag to quickly summarize this for me!

Yeah, it seems like a really good VR survival horror title, if you're into those. But I don't see how it's connected to the rest of the series at all. I watched all the way through the first "boss" fight, and while it pays lip service to the series with herbs, handgun, save recorders, etc, most of those things don't

I didn't play 5 or 6, because they looked like crap, so I guess it's good that they're steering the series away from those. But from what I've seen of RE7, it just looks like a straight up Outlast sequel. I don't even understand how they can get away with calling it Resident Evil.

She lost for the same reason Al Gore and Kerry lost…didn't have enough charisma.