reformed calvinist

Years late, but I love this about her character and performance. Too many tv characters are so transparent, and I love the hidden depths to Elkins so far. I was a little irritated by her character in the first few episodes, but I've come around really quickly.

That was perhaps the worst trailer I've ever seen in my life. It didn't help that it was sandwiched between several other tweens-with-superpowers trailers. But it really stood out as the biggest loser of the bunch.

Why would the people in power ban the thing that gave them that power?

We only have to put ourselves in debt for a few decades to get there too!

I feel like Nintendo can easily stay in the hardware business without just "copying" Sony and Msoft. But I do wish they wouldn't lean so heavily into fads to try and attract the casual audience. Ever since the Wii, it seems like they're trying to do the same thing…get your grandparents to buy multiple copies of their

That scene irritated me too. Because the betrayal/revelation was perfectly planned by Smith… we didn't need that extra scene for tension. Movies/TV always seem to go overboard like that these days.

Jesus… I got the visual homage to Dr Strangelove in the Nazi war room, but I didn't even make the connection to that speech. Now I really want to see that movie again.

I think the show did a much better job of leaning on its strengths this season (Nazi power struggles, Nazi-Japan tension, alt-universe exploration). With Frank hopefully dead and Joe imprisoned, I have a lot of optimism for the future seasons now.

Yeah, I LOVED this finale. The plot really was built nicely throughout the season, where everything converged on stopping the Nazi's nuclear plan. And man, was that plan scary to see almost reach completion.

2 out of three of the Batman movies were GODAWFUL, so maybe that's not the best precedent to cite.

I mean, the parents are already huge failures, because they raised children who would WANT to see shit like Monster Trucks. But then they go and become even BIGGER failures by not being able to say no to their kids.

This is good stuff. I was a little worried this would be more of the Pygmalion-type post-rock, but it's not! Good old classic shoegaze sound.

Yeah they are more rock-oriented than the average Shoegaze band. Actual drum parts that you can hear in the mix, etc. And they transitioned well into pop with their later stuff.

Yeah, I guess Frank shot him non-fatally, and Kido's assistant pushed him far enough out of the center of the room that the blast radius didn't hit him (and possibly also body-shielded him from the blast?). Also worth noting that Tagomi's visit was the only reason Kido didn't get incinerated with the rest of the

I really really really hope that Frank is dead. And that they don't pull some alt-Frank BS. This show just needs to move past that god-awful character. Everyone else I'm fine with at this point.

I really struggled with this too, especially in the first season. I found the entire premise of the show pretty implausible…how would Germany have the manpower to even keep Europe in its thrall, let alone the US? They simply don't have the population numbers.

I could use a good Regan circle jerk here in 2017 :((( we're in for a lot worse

I think I was at the "like" level with him for a long time, especially only knowing his big singles. Once Ziggy Stardust (the album) cracked me, though, I fell in love with more or less everything he's done. Listening to something like Station to Station (the song) feels like adrenaline being injected straight into

I think you're joking? But this seems like it's actually a screenplay sitting on someone's desk right now…

What has he actually done that's good at this point?