reformed calvinist

Yeah, maybe it's stockholm syndrome, but I've been able to get past how terrible these characters are. I was desperately hoping one of them would die in the S1 finale. S2 has been ok, despite that not happening.

I don't mind Juliana either, though she is a little dull. Part of the problem is that the trifecta of dullness (her, Frank, Joe) dominated the screen time of the first season, and they seemed to amplify each others' badness. This season, at least Juliana and Joe are given interesting stuff to do (Frank still sucks

Agreed especially about Earthling…such a guilty pleasure for me.

Dude yes, Never Let Me Down (the song) and Blue Jean are so freaking good. I absolutely detest most of the Bowie's 80s output, but I keep coming back to those songs. It's amazing that those hooks shine through despite the glossy production.

I honestly couldn't tell the difference at this point, even if someone had a gun to my head.

Makes me kind of glad I never watched the trailer, or any of the other countless hype materials. All the Force Awakens hype kind of burned me out on that movie before I had even seen it.

I might still be in the honeymoon phase, but I loved the fuck out of Rogue One. I recognize its flaws…the characters were underdeveloped (but I think this is excusable considering the ending and the fact that the plot/action was more the focus), the music kind of sucked (John Williams or GTFO), and it generally was a

It's ok, they'll delete it all now because of this article. And no one will ever believe what we saw :(

Hey I had one of those phases too. Logic means that I am on my way to become rich and famous, then…right?

Oh dear god…the top 8. I had successfully wiped that from my memory banks to make room for something profoundly more important :/

I think the gist of the article is that the campuses have devolved into some kind of pizza-based economy.

Not bad, but the optimal solution to that puzzle was: leave Facebook and never look back.

Ugh just never watch MSNBC. The media in general has fucked up in just about every meaningful way possible this election cycle, but I think they deserve extra blame for being the Fox News of the left.

It's gimmicky, but I thought it was a pretty cool surprise the first time I read it. If you already know the twist, though, there's pretty much no reason to read it again or ever see it adapted.

I legit thought they somehow re-purposed some unused New Hope footage for that last shot. Really didn't think it was CGI. But then again, I also thought they had re-cast Tarkin, and didn't realize that was CGI either. I'm kind of dumb sometimes.

I still don't know how to feel about JLaw. I thought she was good in Winter's Bone, but then terrible in everything else I saw her in. Then good again in Silver Linings Playbook, then absolutely wretched in American Hustle. I don't think she ruined that movie (I still thought it was a lot of fun as a Scorsese homage),

I dunno man… I can't remember Frank ever NOT being an idiot.

It's a constant battle for my favorite character between Kido, Tagomi, and Smith. They all got great stuff to do this season.

Yeah, one thing I liked about this stretch of the show is that they sidelined some of the plot lines to focus on others. It was actually nice to have episodes where we never saw Frank or Joe, for example.

Yeah, maybe not the best episode of the back-half, but still solid.