reformed calvinist

Yeah he's so good. The whole thing with Tagomi in the alternate world could so easily feel extraneous, but he manages to make it the highlight of the season.

Yeah both seasons only really get good in the back half. So I can't tell if the showrunner leaving was a good or bad thing yet. I guess we'll see in S3 if they make it.

S2 is way better than the first imo. Even the annoying central three good guys get less annoying. Both seasons though have a really slow start and ramp it up in the back half episodes.

Yeah the new resistance people are probably even more obnoxious than the few we saw last season. Not sure if this intentional, but it does add interesting moral shading when the characters you're rooting for most are Nazis or Japanese occupiers

I was a little worried about watching this season after that review, but now that I'm up to ep 9, I think he's really off base. S2 is an improvement over S1 in just about every way. Still not a great show, but I'm enjoying it.

I'm so glad he didn't die last season, even though I thought for sure he would. Him, Smith, and Tagomi are so far and away my favorites.

Hey don't forget about DJ Qualls. He wants to be part of the shitty young actor posse too!

You liked this episode better than last season's finale or the eps leading up to that?? I mean, this was better than early S1 episodes, but I was still pretty bored. The scenes with Kido were good, but man do I still hate all of the main trio still.

Well, among the pantheon of other video game movies, it would have to be a minor classic right? I mean, there's not a lot of competition there…

I'd be fine with losing my entire comment history etc if we could just burn disqus to the ground and start with something else from scratch.

I'm not sure if I can say I enjoyed the Neon Demon, but it definitely left an impression on me. Jesus that was some artsy fucked-up-edness.

Hrmm… so what is the best way to watch their stuff, short of pirating everything (or even worse, having cable)? I don't mind being a season or two behind.

Yeah, like Scrawler I can't really remember what happened in which season anymore. Though it's obviously correct to list S5 in last place.

Hmm I might have to check that one out, because I definitely agree with your first paragraph. Some BM episodes have been solid, but most of the ones I've seen were insufferable.

Ugh, this is so true it's not even funny.

It's not how you're supposed to use the feature, but I "favorited" every album from 2016 that I had any interest in, and then just listened to them through the favorite songs playlist.

Alan Tudyk! Oh but just as a comic-relief droid. Damn it…

New album is absolutely stunning

I don’t think Arabian Nights is really considered canon, since Richard Garfield took directly from arabic legends for his cards. Modern magic sets often adopt the “flavor” of a culture, without fully committing to the specifics (Kamigawa = Japan, Theros = Ancient Greek, Tarkir = Mongolia, Kaladesh = India).

Yeah, it's so hypnotic. Some of the songs are ~6 minutes and it feels like they're ending as soon as they've begun.