reformed calvinist

Album is indescribably great. Like, easily up there with Blackstar and Moon Shaped Pool for AOTY. And possibly in the top 5 of Nick Cave's discog, but it's too early to say.

Seriously…I'm scanning through the list of articles on the main page, and never has the AV Club felt more like buzzfeed or some shit. I really don't feel like this is the site for me anymore :(

Gimmick accounts may come and go, but the memes never die.

It's a good movie. I loved it as a kid, still decent today. My kids love it, even with the dated effects. SO YEAH TAKE THAT!

Jesus… I just realized that I've never even seen Blazing Saddles all the way through. I forgot that Wilder was even in it. This error will be corrected very soon…

I can't figure out if 2016 is SO MUCH WORSE than any previous year, or if it's just a sign that I'm getting old and actually know who these dying celebrities are.

Before Sunrise/Sunset also (haven't seen the 3rd DONT SPOIL ME). I can't think of any other movies that just overwhelm me with the romance of summer.

Yeah same here…it was entertaining enough, but didn't live a huge impression.

Can't remember when the Cronenberg film came out, but pretty sure it wasn't 2004. Also, I'm so glad I didn't have your English teacher, or anyone remotely like him/her.

I'm still grinding for the Dark Soul achievement in DS3, but really jonsing for BB. Don't own a PS4, but I finally convinced my friend to get it, and hopefully he needs lots of help.

Ahh, sweet, and good luck man! I've recently been getting back into Magic, mostly through the MTG-lite Duels. I was thinking about doing a FNM draft this weekend, but I think my social anxiety + general suckiness at drafting will keep me home.

I feel like this whole American doom and gloom attitude is so played out, especially with it now being peddled in the political spectrum. First of all, our economy has more or less recovered from the 08 recession. Second, from a social equality perspective, though things may have been rough lately, at least the

Well as long as it's not as hard as Riven, I'll be all over this. That game absolutely broke me. Myst, however, was just about the perfect difficulty for adult me (kid me got wrecked by it though).

I have to assume if there was more music-restoration, it would have been mentioned. The Netflix version has most of the original music, but has a pretty lame opening credits substitute.

I think it's mostly just by comparison to other similar games and their price points. Thanks to the rise of indie games (and F2P titles), we're no longer required to pay a stock $60 for every new game.

Uhh yeah… I came here and clicked on the link expecting to laugh at how bad Metallica still is.

False Priest hits such a sweet spot for me, maybe because of what I was going through when it came out… but I find myself going back to it more than almost any other OM album. A lot of the hate it gets really baffles me, though I guess it's a lot more slick than anything else he's done, and some of the guest spots

I didn't mind the last album that much, but it definitely was a mixed bag.

Seriously…I'm getting flashbacks to my childhood when this movie scared the living shit out of me.

I kept expecting the history of The Bojack Horseman show to pay-off big time, and it never really did… unless I missed something, or they're leaving it for future season setups.