reformed calvinist

Haven't full processed this yet, but I'm feeling mostly positive so far.

Well, if it's any consolation, most of his post-Hissing work has been mediocre. This new one's pretty good, and I'm a big fan of False Priest. And Aureate Gloom has it's moments. Well, every album has had it's moments I guess. Maybe this isn't helping…

Very interesting… and I hope that this is in fact Bojack's low, and we can watch him build from here. I'm tired of these anti-hero shows that have main characters who are trapped in cycles of behavior they can never escape from, season after season. I get that those are easier to write, considering the nature of

Todd's speech and the "sadness fetishization" remarks helped put it in perspective, but I agree that this general main-character ennui becomes exhausting to watch. I had the same problem with Mad Men during much of it's run.

Yeah that entire speech broke me heart. I hold the maybe unpopular opinion that Aaron paul is the weakest link in this voice cast (maybe it's the character's fault, and not his though)… but he KILLED it with that speech. I want to see Todd on that level more often, if they can find a balance between that emotional

That was probably my favorite visual gag in the entire series. I probably missed a dozen or so other jokes on the whiteboard, because I was howling at that one.

It felt so final that I actually don't want them to make a movie. Which is weird, because I had been so on board the …and a movie hype train.

Mohd with an on-topic, insightful firstie? These are serious times indeed…

No, see the original had actors that weren't "MTV-pretty," so obviously we need a whole new version for today's discerning tweens.

(Haven't read/watched the series), but I think that's the risk when you run a finite series. The ending is almost always a let down. Which is why Disney has gotten hooked up to the universe-building cash cow. By churning out Star Wars and MCU films, they never have to worry about ending anything, because the series

Agreed, and I would extend this to the MCU films as well. The films may have large casts and a complex back story, but that's more or less irrelevant when every film's plot is "stop the bad guys, save the world."

I like Arnett in everything he does, even alllll the bad stuff. So it's such a relief that he's finally knocking it out of the park on a really good show again.

I can't believe it took this long to have a Bojack/Bo Jackson joke, but it was worth the wait!

I liked the episode and thought it was really clever… but I kind of feel like these central-gimmick episodes get a bit over-praised. The score, however, was freaking unbelievable. Did so much heavy lifting in place of the dialogue.

Make sure you get that looked at. I had C.diff recently and it was not fun.

Seriously… I'd have voted for McCain or Romney 100 times over, if it meant I wouldn't have to worry about Trump today.

Honestly, he doesn't have much of a political future anyway. I think it was absurd to even think that someone as extremely Right as him could become president, let alone a party nominee. The reason Trump won the nomination, in my mind, was because his opponents were so weak year.

I'm betting on Ryan for top dog in 2020. But then again, I'm not literally betting on that, because quite frankly I'm not sure America is going to still exist in 2020.

So excited to mildly binge on S3 tonight/this weekend. I have a strict 2-3 episodes per night policy for any show, so I guess for most it's more of a slow sip/savor.

If he was dressed as a female ghostbuster on the cover, then he'd have been REALLY ahead of his time. Male ghostbuster though? Only mildly ahead, and unsurprising for Bowie.