reformed calvinist

That reminds me that I still need to finish watching the TV show. How does the movie hold up? Haven't seen it since I was in High School.

I can't be bothered to look up who did Let the Bodies Hit the Floor, but their a damned lot of jokes to be mined there.

So that's a lot of editing they had to do for Kendrick. Even the word "gun"??

Pretty funny that he ran a sample of that over the beginning of Money Trees.

If you're watching a fireworks show on PBS on the 4th of July, and complaining about it… yes, I would assume these people aren't getting much action.

You sir, must not appreciate the nuance of firework shows. Like for instance, ten years ago you NEVER would have heard Katy Perry's perfectly apt "Firework" during every single display.

Yeah this is where I'd end it….actually where I did end it, so maybe I'm not qualified to say. S3 was already beginning to show a lot of strain, after what i thought was a genius S2.

I can't think of any other show that has so thoroughly squandered the potential of its first episode. But I'm probably not thinking hard enough.

All I remember about gremlins was shitting my pants over how scary it was. And a gremlin in a blender.

I liked the Tintin movie a lot, but I think weightless is definitely a solid criticism of it.

I don't think the sept explosion was supposed to be a surprise though (since they hinted at it two episodes ago), and there was a pretty lengthy build-up to the actual explosion. I think it worked because of the growing sense of dread you got once you realized what Cersei was going to do, and a suspense at whether or

Unpopular opinion time: I'm a huge Cersei fan. I honestly wouldn't mind that much if she triumphed over the Starks, though I know she won't.

Yes but also tell us a story about when you got prodded by a northern, white RINO.

And for PC gamers who want to relive the nostalgia, check out this week's humble bundle:

Metal Sonic and the final Robotnik were just too much for me….even as an adult. Fuck that shit.

Moving Units debut EP definitely deserves a mention… pretty great distillation of the sound. They they never followed it up with anything good.

I'm so pissed that the ROME EP isn't on spotify…because that's what I always look for when I want to listen to them.

Hoo boy, me too. I probably got into most of the bands above via The Faint. Were you ever on the Saddle Creek message boards? That was my go to commenting site long before AV Club.

Same here…WFB actually was that album that turned me off the Faint for good. Blank-Wave Arcade will always be their high water mark, as far as I'm concerned, even if it's incredibly goofy and juvenile.

Yeah…hot chip might be my favorite band alive right now, but they are more dance and…not very punk at all. Though songs like Over and Over definitely have a little of that DFA dance punk dna in them.