reformed calvinist

Seriously… I forgot that bronn and Jamie could be fun characters to watch. Please let them never return to Dorne

Just saw it recently with my kids… it's not a bad movie for sure. Visually, the characters are out of place with the setting, but the visuals still work overall imo.

I'd never gotten into the Kills that much, but Baby Says off that album is pretty great. I need to start digging into the rest of their stuff.

Seriously, the sooner everyone considers these movies to be terrible, the sooner they stop making them. And then maybe the franchise can be rebooted by a semi-competent design team. Though honestly, I don't think TMNT works very well in live action.

Working in terms of box office receipts, for sure. Artistically, I'm pretty on the fence about him. On one hand, he's a great stylist and sets up pretty good action sequences. But all the stories he's been working with have been so mediocre.

Hrrm… in my opinion, Pixar has been in steady decline since being bought out by Disney (not initially, but with the latest slate of films like Cars 2, Brave, Monsters U, Good Dinosaur). I can imagine them very much wanting every future SW film to fit a very specific, audience-pleasing template, as they do for Marvel

Yeah the mimics are brutal in DS3…. I swear I survived their grabs in the other games, but not this one so far (even with the bumper spam). Also, got one-shot by his kick as well, which certainly was new to me.

Re: Drag Queen, why does Casablancas insist on pitch shifting his vocals so much? It sounds freaking terrible. I'd probably like the song otherwise.

This…this kind of shit is why I quit magic for the second time now. Okay, $3 a pack is fine…drafting isn't too unreasonably expensive if you do it maybe once a week.

I played Magic in HS in the 90s as well and stopped for a long long time. Turns out, it's still an incredibly fun and complex game. But man, is the pricing atrocious.

I really liked the Bender as Terminator parody too

These are good points. I think that S1 succeeded largely due to the direction/acting/music. I think that most people rightly mocked the writing, but it didn't matter, because everything else was so good.

The way I played the game was….walk into a room filled with demons, hopefully kill them all. Then slowly peek into every shadowy corner, in dread of finding the next room filled with demons. So it was a very slow process…

But but….people have to know if their childhood is being raped or not so they can bitch about it on the internet.

Yeah, this is the interpretation I had as well…. though honestly there was enough ambiguity in the scene that it could be read a lot of different ways. Really devastating at any rate, even for GOT.

Even something older like The Jungle Book could still be competing with this for family $. I could see this being a big flop, though nowhere near the level of that Huntsman movie.

So, basically still preferable to what we got?

Yeah just reading the review of this makes me angry. Alice with a repressive suitor in the real world? Mad Hatter backstory? Just fuck right off, Disney or whoever financed this.

Animal Collective? They are so last zeitgeist, according to pitchfork.

Angry Birds Movie #1 at the box office, Donald Trump our likely next president? Yep, this is the end of days people, as predicted by Mike Judge.