reformed calvinist

Wait, which is his fascist movie… 300 or Watchmen? Or one of the supermans or something I haven't seen?

I liked it about as much as I did SNL at the time (late 90s). Mostly just remember Stewart and Ms. Swan, who I got out a kick out of.

A lot of haters here, but I really liked this article. One of the few things that rises above the clickbait-y nature of the site recently, even if the premise is itself a bit clickbait-y. I want to see more of these longer form articles, and less great job internet!

I'm pretty sure Hilary is Tyrion in the East, while Sanders is Daenarys. In Westeros, it's a bit more complicated, though Sanders is clearly the high sparrow.

Wait, I thought we all agreed that things are better when they go on forever, like the Simpsons.

Uh oh…is this about the become a new meme?

Seriously, come November when everyone's writing think pieces about what we did to deserve President Trump, I'm going to refer back to "social justice gone wild" articles like this. We progressives couldn't be more cartoonish if we tried, sometimes. Sigh.

Codex is definitely a stone cold classic track. I think the problem with TKOL is a) it's too short and too same-y, b) the opening few tracks are a little bland, but it picks up in the back half.

Played it a bit last night…I'm not much of a FPS guy, so I wasn't expecting much. Really enjoyed it though… I lost pretty much every game I was in, except for when I switched to Soldier 76, then I started doing a bit better.

My biggest rage moment was getting one-shot by the arrow volley, because I hadn't learned to roll out of the way yet. Great fight!

There's a phase 3?! I'm still plowing through DS3, but I'm a bit stalled out after having beaten Dancer. I think I'm near the end of the game, but not really sure as I'm playing blind.

Ok, I shit on this feature as much as the next guy…. but holy shit, that was a legitimately great job, internet!

It went from being correctly rated, to slightly overrated with the publishing of this article, to underrated after the comments.

Yeah, but if there's one thing millennials hate, it's to be called millennials… so using "Generation Y" helps us ease the pain a bit (and make us seem more like our cooler older siblings, Gen Xers).

Didn't he also do the Master score as well? I remember really digging that.

Yeah definitely not the kind of sound I was expecting from them after TKOL, but really liking it.

This season in general feels a lot more momentous than any other first two episodes from the previous seasons. I'm not complaining though… we're getting close to the endgame, so it's good that the show it's durdling around.

I was pretty sure they'd end it exactly how they did… cutting to black as soon as he comes alive on the table… I still jumped when he did it though.

I played the game with multiple friends who owned it, manual included…we still had no idea what to freaking do.

Basically you have Game of Thrones and then every other fantasy series (Legend of the Seeker, that MTV Shannara one)… not hard to imagine which camp Wheel of Time is going to fall into.