reformed calvinist

I'm reading recaps on wikipedia now, and I can't for the life of me remember what book I ended on. Somewhere between 8 and 10. I remember the big Seanchan invasion, but apparently that took several books to resolve.

That sounds a lot like that Borges story about writing Don Quixote… what weirdos.

I'm trying to play DS3 blind too (reading AV Club comments about it, probably isn't the smartest though), and I definitely feel where you're coming from. I;m going sword and board, so screw magic… but I realized that I had completely missed the pyromancer dude too. I ended up going back and finding him, but there

I could have sworn that was Katherine Heigl in the still until I read the cast list. But I have no idea how tall either of them are relative to Jennifer Aniston, so I'm useless.

I get where you're coming from… to me, his non-fiction is a lot more powerful as well. I still think that IJ is at least a good book, but I'm not sure it fully rewards the investment it requires. On an intellectual and creative level, it's pretty thrilling… but emotionally it's a bit cold.

I loved every single thing about it except how terrible I was at the bosses :(

Can't Stop Pa-linka-dinga-dingo!

Oh god…I watched that theatrical version recently on a sleepless night out of desperation. I mean, it's still Blade Runner so it's still watchable. And the narration mostly drops off after the first few scenes. But man that narration couldn't be more of a parody of itself if it tried.

I think you might have a point, though I'm too much of a sushi pleb to probably notice a lot of the finer points. But at any rate, the movie is still really entertaining, even if you have qualms about his process.

I think Kevin James is a more relevant comparison. She just needs to find her version of Paul Blart: Mall Cop and then milk the shit out of it.

I think one of the biggest problems with TKOL is that at 8 songs and 37 minutes, it felt more like an EP than an album proper.

Yeah what happened to HBO?…they used to be the prestige leaders and now it seems like the innovative content is all on other networks/streaming sites.

Especially with how old the child actors like Bran and Arya have already gotten. Dragging out the production schedule isn't doing the show a lot of favors.

Either way, I hope it's not just empty talk. Their last truly innovative album was Amnesiac imo (though I think In Rainbows is really really solid).

Considering how ubiquitous 3D releases still are, I think it's safe to say that they're still profitable. To me, it just seems like an underhanded way for the theaters to double ticket prices without pissing people off, but what do I know.

Hey it worked in that Aeon Flux movie right? Lightning CAN strike twice!

I'm kind of the opposite… it's an adaptation, go ahead and make the characters white. But for the love of god, stop casting ScarJo as the female badass in every single movie ever.

Han Solo = Toshiro Mifune whiteface :(((((

Quick to go through once, but then you spend your whole life periodically rewatching it….so it's got staying power too!

I like everything they've ever done (including this), though I think their more vocal-based pop stuff clicks more with me.