reformed calvinist

I think they're actually named after the spiral galaxy though, if wikipedia is to be believed (who knows):

I'm really digging this album too, though I recognize it's flaws. I absolutely melt when For the Kids comes up (though I don't like the spoken word bits… which is too bad, because M83 usually does them really well, like with Racontez-Moi or Moonchild).

PVP is an absolute nightmare to me, but I've had a lot of fun doing co-op, especially in DS2, which seemed to support it better. Usually it makes the boss battles too easy, but it's still fun just having four guys rolling around in a total clusterfuck of a fight.

No, mouse and keyboard support is very well-supported now. But controller is still preferable to me at least.

I briefly considered a Deprived start, and then, like the complete pussy I am, went with a good ol' Knight instead.

I would say that DS3 is still a defensive game overall, but yeah it's a ton faster than DS2 and especially DS1.

It's also worth noting that Dark Souls 2 HAS been absolutely hammered by many fans.

Spot on. It's important to add, though, that even in the midst of all this misery, there are still breaks of sunlight through the clouds.

I was like you for a very long time…then I took the plunge with DS1, and holy crap I'm glad I did. But it does require a level of commitment and dedication to progress.

Only played it for two hours…so far it blows DS2 completely out of the water. Yeah, there are a lot of familiar elements, but they feel really well-refined.

Yeah…this article was ill-conceived. I got as far as about the Wire entry and then noped down to the comments. People here are decent enough to mark their spoilers…. right?

I came here looking for Scott Stapp news and left disappointed.

Do we have an obligatory "it can be two things" comment yet? Preferably with sexual undertones.

I think this is more or less the "final" album… which I then promptly altered for a personal playlist.

"Essentially the part of one’s psyche that allows for buying into Crispin Glover’s George McFly coldcocking the prototypical bully Biff in Back To The Future, this phenomenon distills the essence of “little white lie” filmmaking—the larger-than-life childhood memories—essentially the fairy tales that sate us and give

I just don't understand those remarks. Ok, so she was raped but it wasn't a hate crime? Fine, I guess. But if she was raped by the producer, shouldn't she still be freed from the contract of working with him? Seems kind of perverse otherwise.

Wow, this thread is bringing back so many memories for me… that concert was the cutest/dumbest thing I've ever seen in a FF game, but I loved it.

I definitely could never replay FF8, even though I liked it. Since they're doing an HD of FF7 though, maybe 8 is on the horizon, in which case I'd give it another shot.

Dude that's almost every FF title for me. I get to the last boss area, somehow get beyond the "no turning back" point, realized I'm not prepared, die, never play again.

Summon animations were always a problem in FF games (god I hope they're skippable these days, but I wouldn't be surprised if they still aren't). But FF8 seemed the worst offender to me because they were so much more powerful and readily available (and iirc tied more intricately to a lot of the other game mechanics).