reformed calvinist

I rushed here to make sure this was getting the upvotes it deserved. The legend never dies.

Aww, I thought everyone liked Ethan Hawke :(

Roller rinks and supermarkets are also very cost-effective ways to listen to Adele.

I heard it when he did the livestream, but not since (until now)… feel about the same. Some really killer tracks, but a whole lot of filler/randomness. But not the "arty sprawl" kind of randomness that makes the White Album and its ilk actually great.

So they make their money the same way Blockbuster did? Extracting late fees from stupid, disorganized people.

We failed, we all failed today, didn't we?

I looked at the picture and thought "oh, they decided on Jamie…that's interesting." Then read the article and was bored.

Well… I would argue that the first two films can be taken as adult-worthy fantasy at least. Granted, I'm heavily biased, having been immersed in them as a kid. But beyond the pew-pew lasers cool! factor, you can watch them with half a mind towards Campbell's heroic mythology or Lucas' re-contextualizing of

The SNL bit has a good premise….but did it need to be 6 1/2 minutes long??

This is an episode I skip every time through… I'm not normally a wimp when it comes to pop entertainment, but I just have no desire to see Fry mercilessly tortured for 20 minutes. It's just not funny to me, but I appreciate that Zack specifically addressed this is his review.

12 was pretty good, but I don't think it was essential in any way. It kind felt like a mashup between a FF game and an (offline) MMO

I actually just watched the Newton Boys (as it's on Netflix, and didn't even know it existed previously)…. it's not a great film by any means, but holy crap is the cast stacked, and it's a fairly enjoyable ride.

Don't worry, they won't in the next SW film either, though most likely a character will be frozen in carbonite and the ending will be a downer.

But how does the original Star Wars trilogy obliquely comment on the Cold War?

I mean, what you are describing sounds like a good sci-fi film for adults. There's no way that Disney was going to put billions of dollars behind something intelligent and complex, though.

I actually did the exact same thing as you for a few years…and then I watched and it was really good. But you're not me…so who knows.

Seattle show sold out in less than half hour…so damn irritating, especially because you know most of those were scooped up by scalpers.

Eh…it's among the best. I think Troll 2 might give it a run for it's money on sheer watchability.

Marriages just got patched a bit, but I'm still at max 6 hearts with someone (and not even the girl I want to marry, damn it!), so I've got a ways to go myself.

I'm just avoiding half the internet for the next few weeks…no big deal. Sigh.