reformed calvinist

I've watched streams, and it looks like a lot of fun… the only problem is that I can't really do FPS games or competitive multiplayer games. So it's strictly a "will not buy/play" for me, but I do appreciate Blizzard's usual level of creative design.

I found the Chuck stuff to be irritating and absurd,…when I thought it was a physical condition (was too lazy to look it up, but it just felt too far fetched). Learning that it's all psychological totally changes everything for me, though, and it makes so much of the earlier events make more sense.

Yeah it might be naive, but he has been rattled in a few debates, particularly when Megyn and Rubio were grilling him about Trump U. He does have a fragile ego, which is apparent in most the actions he's been taking in the election cycle so far… the problem is that the GOP voters haven't been affected by any

Maybe I don't have the heart of a witcher, because I find Geralt incredibly difficult to steer, especially in tight spaces, and especially in W3. He also has surprisingly little resistance to fall damage, especially considering I signed up for school of the CAT ffs.

Lego Batman Movie… voiced by Will Arnett right?
*quick google search*

I was stupidly hoping it would actually be good, but I don't know what I was thinking. These musician biopics can only ever hope to be mediocre at best.

Everything Thermals!

Yeah, the quality of a blockbuster, particularly in the eyes of critics, doesn't seem to have much effect on box office numbers. Especially opening weekend. This'll probably be a big hit, but won't get close to Marvel-numbers.

I think an eye roll is sufficient.

It's really annoying for both genders… there's always some nebbish serial killer, who suddenly when confronted by trained professional law enforcement dudes manages to take out like 4-5 at once.

I didn't really care for it, but the boob quotient was alright.

I think a lot of people had said that…do you need a full list?

My whole extended family went to see Sister Act in theaters, even my 80+ grandma, who thought it was too profane. I think I must have been off at college or something when the sequel came out, thank god.

Man…what a shitty weekend to be forced to hang out with your family (Easter no less)! I'd be gritting my teeth through any of these three movies. But luckily, my parents are the non-theater-going-be-bored-at-home kind.

Eh, she's been attacked for literally decades. I think she can stand up to Trump's heat just fine, particularly in debates. I think Trump is more likely to wilt under pressure from someone who actually knows what they're talking about.

No, it was Mayor Tommy Carcetti

Seriously….their interface, be it on PC or mobile, is less intuitive, informative and useful than a fucking 90s Geocities website.

They're both absolutely great. I'd probably give the edge to Marauders just because I really like the flow, and the interconnecting female spoken word bits.

I honestly can't imagine an Indiana Jones movie that is somehow worse than Crystal Skull. So I guess you can say I'm cautiously optimistic?

I dunno…I found RE4's control scheme acceptable when the game was released, and was able to play to completion once I adjusted to it. Revisiting it now on PC, I find it so obtuse that I can't get past the first act. I understand the feel and tension they were going for, but having been spoiled by some really