reformed calvinist

Are we at least allowed to be offended by how much of an oscar-bait biopic this looks like? Because that irritates me to an extent that could cross over into offense.

Also, rhyming the post-colon bit of your title with the series name itself is a faux pas right? Because Divergent: Allegiant really does not roll off the tongue.

My memory of 300 still likes it… but yeah, it's been a decade or so, and I'm kind of afraid to bust out my dvd copy again.

Yeah but there's an embedded Vevo. That takes work, man.

I dunno…personally I've never found him funny and don't understand what his appeal is. But I guess this is more lash than backlash.

Just pop a wheelie on it and move on

I loved Twilight Princess too. The main faults seemed to be a) slow, linear beginning section. Once you get to where the game opens up, though, I had a lot of fun; b) feels like a rehash of Ocarina, which I get I guess….every Zelda game feels fairly similar, to the point where I'm not sure I actually need to play any

So, maybe I'm the only one… but I actually would have enjoyed a laid-back dramedy about Will Arnett as a recovering alcoholic who bears the crushing guilt of someone who has killed a man. Is that just too simple of a story to tell… do audiences require 3-4 layered twists on top of that these days to stay interested?

I've read on here it was auto-filled for two seasons, like Love.

Oh yes, Wisdom (who is forever Bunny in my mind) was great! He elevated every single scene he was in, both dramatic and comedic (the confrontation with Chip in the alley for drama, and busting in on the boys at breakfast for comedy)

So are they worth watching/reading if you're a fan of The Running Man, or is that basically the peak of the genre? Because I like me some Running Man.

For me, it's that comedy/drama balance that just does not work. Bojack Horseman managed to somehow pull it off, possibly by being animated. But here, the tone is just all over the place, especially in the last three episodes. I really don't understand what they were going for, but it didn't work for me.

I think he absolutely can carry a show, he just hasn't been given the right show. He's amazing in Bojack, which hopefully will have a long long lifespan. And he's pretty good here… it's just that the writing hasn't been anywhere near competent.

Well even on a TV level, I would have thought Mad Men/Breaking Bad/Sopranos etc also did away with that notion as well.

I dunno… I think you described the first half of the season for me. But by the second half, I was just watching to be done. I was looking for a freewheeling comedy starring Will Arnett and ended up watching… I don't really know what anymore.

Oh god….here comes the big debate again. I'm a big fan of Temple of Doom, but I'm pretty exhausted trying to defend it at this point. I'll just watch the mine cart chase on loop, plug my ears and go "lalalalala" for awhile.

Yeah this feels more like Bad News Bears Linklater than Classic Linklater. I'm a huge fan of the guy, and this trailer is just bad. But who knows…

Ugh, damn me for reading and remembering your comments and thus spoiling the show for myself!

I'm still toughing it out through this show… I like a lot of it in theory, but the recent plot turns, particularly with Mintz-Plasse don't make a ton of sense to me. I feel like the aesthetic of the show, and the acting…are pretty good. But the writing needs a lot of work, and I can't help but wonder if some of that

I was really turned off by the first 10 minutes or so of the show, but it's gradually brought me around after 2 episodes. Arnett is doing a great job of playing against his usual type (or at least toning it down significantly), and there's a great sense of loneliness and melancholy set against the beautiful small-town