reformed calvinist

Now that I've watched the first two episodes, I get where you're coming from. Arnett remains handsome, though his character is a bit of a mess, and the other dudes in the show are really shlubby. And the two women they cast as love interests are definitely too young and Hollywood-attractive.

Little appeal… Will Arnett? I'm a straight man, but COME ON!

Ugh, Gambon was so cracked out in that movie. He settled down into the role much better from the 5th movie on, but even just his body language in Goblet was atrocious.

Goblet is easily my favorite book, and while I think the film suffered as much from extensive cutting as did Order of the Phoenix or maybe Azkaban, at least those films more or less had the right tone, or at any rate a consistent one. Goblet the Film is a weird hodge-podge of goofy teen dating and tragedy.

Coming Soon: "Sorry Star Wars fans, vehicles in space wouldn't really go 'pew pew pew'"

Did the contingent of people that likes Cloud Atlas here read the book first or go in fresh? I'm asking, because I feel like I might have enjoyed it if I hadn't read the book. But hoo boy, am I harsh to adaptations that don't jive with my reading (see also: Never Let Me Go).

Yeah thats all well and good. But please STREAM your freaking albums on something other than Tidal, or I will continue to not give a fuck.

Yeah, I respect TPAB more than I enjoy it. The core of most of the tracks is freaking fantastic, but I have trouble wading through his cut-up spoken word thing, again and again. GKMC however, still really does it for me. And I'm loving this new one.

Do you mean In Rainbows or Hail to the Thief?

What if we've really been using Windows 9 all this time, but it was so terrible that we collectively forgot it?

Win The For?!

I….really really like it so far, but I'm still on first listen. More focused than TPAB, which I thought suffered a bit from all the spoken interludes (I know, I'm the only one who thinks that).

Holy god yes. Also, take note Kanye…this is how to release your music digitally. Not just on fucking Tidal. I still haven't heard TLOP in full.

Genevieve is that you?

If it gets bad reviews and accused of imitating the original, people can just retroactively label it a reboot, like they did for Force Awakens.

Ah, I remember the heady days of yore when I didn't know what MRA meant yet.

I definitely share your frustration about his lying/denying/obfuscating, but the last few debates have actually been a net negative for Trump now that the other candidates are taking him seriously and pushing back at him. Once he gets flustered by the attacks and blindly lashes back, he exposes how flimsy his claim to

The difference between Democrat and GOP debates this year is so vast that they almost need to come up with two separate terms for them. Sadly, I thought this article was going to be about the latter :(

I was pretty angry at the final scene when I first watched this, but the more I think about it, it was probably a perfect end to a season of anti-romance, and a good setup for season 2.

That was the best line of the episode and maybe even the series for me. In theory, guys (well, me at least) love the idea of an over-invested woman, but the reality of it is less awesome, especially if it's not coming from an ideal source. Though Gus throwing everything with Mickey away over the actress (still can't