reformed calvinist

Yeah, I feel like the show had a good amount of promise in the first 4 episodes, with the only off-notes being the workplace elements.

The Following would like a word, as well.

This is way late, but you're spot on. The movie literalizes the very subtle connections between the timelines in the book. In Mitchell's novel, there are no direct analogues between characters, so the yellow/white/lady-face is a complete invention for the movie. And it was horribly misjudged.

This is way late, but you're spot on. The movie literalizes the very subtle connections between the timelines in the book. In Mitchell's novel, there are no direct analogues between characters, so the yellow/white/lady-face is a complete invention for the movie. And it was horribly misjudged.

I'd really like to believe that scenario, which I'll admit is plausible. But I also hear a lot of Bernie supporters (mostly on reddit) constantly bashing Hillary and saying they'll go to Trump.

Saw Stella (live, no less, in addition to their webisodes and eventual tv show) long before I learned of FotC.

Yeah, I've definitely been getting a Hello Ladies vibe as well. That show was probably equally flawed, but had it's good points. The last two episodes were really strong, and I don't think Love ever manages to hit those notes of feel good sweetness.

Yeah, a lot of people are thinking that Clinton destroying Trump is a foregone conclusion…but i'm pretty scared. The dem. base is split right now, and turnout could be terrible. Meanwhile, trump has tapped into a lot of anger and will have momentum to build off of.

Wha? Prepare for think pieces for weeks about how Mad Max was robbed of Best Picture and Director.

wtf is the dissolve lol

Wait, how do we know Luke's NOT gay? Despite lusting after his sister, he was never paired up with anyone in the original trilogy. Now he's off hiding at the ends of the universe because society just won't accept his lifestyle.

This episode really felt like a waste of 10% of the show's runtime. Bringing in Andy Dick to just be goofy for half an hour really wasn't very interesting to watch, nor did it help develop Mickey's character much. We've already seen her being impulsive, so it only really served to just stall the eventual first date

Yeah I can't tell if the show is a purposeful inversion of the typical rom-com… if we're supposed to feel terrible that the leads are hooking up again at the end, or if they bungled the tone so much that a lot of people are having an unintended reaction. Either way, it has been an interesting show to follow and I'll

I believe he tried to kill himself sometime in the 80s, so yeah it gets pretty bleak through this stretch. But the good news is that there's a bit of a light at the end of the tunnel with some of the later movies like Madadayo and the Richard Gere one, even if they're not up to his usual standard of quality.

I was a little surprised at MYSELF for hating it, since I'm usually one of those that loves stuff most other people hate. So I'm blaming myself for that one.

This one was a bit too cringe-y for me, after the exuberance of the Party episode. I did really like the closing scene where Gus drops his pushover nice guy facade and opens up to Mickey about his feelings.

Yeah seriously fuck disqus. I have multiple commenting accounts, and god knows which the system is going to let me use on any given day. Also, it continually logs me out across multiple devices.

He's been stuck going through this divorce for decades now… :_(

Not there yet, but I can't comprehend ANY ending to this season/series where Gus and Mickey end up together. They could be good friends, but they have demonstrated that they are terrible as a couple. So I'm not quite sure what the premise of this show is yet, but I guess I'll have to stay tuned to find out?

It is definitely a bit of wish fulfillment in tv/movie land, and seems like an intentional inversion of real life, where the shlubby guy doesn't even get the shlubby woman, let alone the average or super-model ones.