reformed calvinist

This is probably my favorite episode of the show (still have 2 to go, though). Instead of the awkward cringe humor from most of the episodes, you generally get a good-time hangout vibe, and situations that could and probably should turn out painfully embarrassing (like showing up first to a party where the hosts don't

I can't believe they didn't mention Jet in the review (unless I missed it).. .easily my favorite moment of the entire show's run (while, barring the last 2 episodes which I haven't seen yet). It turned Gus from an unlikable dweeb into someone who actually might be fun to hang around sometimes (the patio furniture bit

I just didn't understand why he was even in this episode. They might as well have played Yakkity Sax everytime he came on screen, because the show so obviously entered "wacky antics" mode each time.

Oh wow…that is not a lot of cities. Thought for sure Seattle would have a screening, but not even close.

I'm not quite sure it captures the humanity of Seven Samurai, but from a visual and technical perspective, I'd say this is his best film.

First exposure for me… but I actually like the actor a lot, and the character a bit as well. Sure, he's an asshole a lot of the time (as is Mickey), but his little quirks like always being on time/early, and his ability to let loose when the occasion calls for it… I find it endearing.

Yeah he's clearly in the wrong by cheating… not because cheating is inherently wrong, but because the actress clearly NEEDS a break from the stress of the show, production timeline be damned. The only reason he cheats for her is to keep his job, disregarding her emotional outburst before.

Yeah, his character doesn't make sense…actually this entire episode makes no sense (as do a couple later on…I'm about halfway through now). I came into this series expecting a show about LOVE, and as a bitter singleton, I appreciate the show's refusal to quickly hook up the characters.

Liked this episode SO much more than the premiere, so I have some hope for the show now. Both characters came across as incredibly obnoxious before, but the actors have a great rapport together, so it worked well here.

Agreed. And not to get too involved in an actor's looks (because I thought she did a great job with a somewhat flat character), but if someone has completely perfect features, to me they end up looking fairly bland overall (see: Keira Knightley). Having a feature that stands out, even if in an odd way, adds to the

Yeah, I prefer KBM for these games, but they're definitely playable with a controller. My biggest issue with controllers in general is trying to navigate complex menus with the thumbsticks, which is less of an issue here than with an RPG like Skyrim or Witcher.

Both themes are so good, which is pretty rare. Only other shows I can think of with that 1-2 punch are Adventure Time and maybe The Wire.

Loved these growing up, so I read out the loud the first one to my daughters a few years back… definitely more violent and grown-up than I remember them being. Had to kind of murmur through some of the scalping discussions. Now they're a bit older though, I'll probably have them go at the books themselves.

Woo, future denizen here as well. Excited to finally watch this final half season now that the ending has been thoroughly spoiled for me.

This list sounds good. I might switch out WW for the original Zelda, but I guess it's not for everyone. I really love the simplicity and openness of it, though.

Wait, everyone loved that movie? I forgot that it even existed until now.

Even aside from the science, though, there are huge issues with the premise. Like the scene where the cops flank Shaloub in the ally, and the cop on EACH side of him dies, even though that would require his shadow being cast in two different directions from the one light source.

Basically the entire front half of the album is a 1-2-3-4-5-6 punch. It's probably the best run of songs in MJ's entire career. The back half is a bit soppy, but it does have Burn This Disco Out.

Oh god, just thinking about her character is giving me shivers. Kurosawa did a great job melding the traditional Noh drama with Shakespeare here. This movie really was more ambitious than it gets credit for.

Oh yeah, that scene where they're lost in the fog on the way to the castle goes on FOREVER! It's like Sideshow Bob stepping on rakes… it goes from effective, to a parody of itself, to so over-the-top it's surreal-ly effective again.