reformed calvinist

It's not my favorite film of his, but it is utterly fascinating. I think Throne of Blood gets the short end of the stick because on the surface it looks like it's going to be in the same vein as Kurosawa's other samurai films like Seven Samurai, Yojimbo, etc but it totally isn't. It's incredibly slow paced and

Is this the music review section this week…one album? What about the new Junior Boys, damn it!

Well that's a bit of a bummer. EWF are one of the bands that my daughters and me can completely enjoy together. I'll never forget dancing with them to Boogie Wonderland, September, Let's Groove, Fantasy, etc. RIP

The target is high school kids assigned to read Pride and Prejudice etc. They read this shit instead (or in addition to) and feel clever.

Yeah, I'm a little disappointed by the B- but I remember that O Brother got pretty lukewarm reviews on release as well. Heck, I don't think Big Lebowski was even hailed as a classic until it got released on video.


Little late, but YES this is what ruined the episode for me. Scully was ridiculously, out-of-character reckless the entire episode. She basically got the dweeb scientist killed by opening up a quarantined dead-body bag and letting him get oozed. I could see Mulder doing stuff like this, but she's usually more careful

Yeah it's a bit odd…but honestly, the election has been so crazy this year (well back through last July even) that is almost feels worth covering as entertainment. I'm so fascinated by all the twists and turns right now, even putting the politics aside.

This is going to be an incredibly unpopular opinion if there are a lot of hardcore pc master race people around here… but, if you're overly daunted by the prospect of building a computer from scratch, you can actually get a reasonably priced one from (or its competitors) or the Dell outlet. That's

Yeah but now they're going to come back with some really inefficient tech support, called the Nerd Platoon, so it's all good.

I'm actually with you on that. I think a lot of the love of Spaceballs is based on nostalgia…maybe because I didn't see it as a kid, but adult viewings of it have not been favorable. Men in Tights though feels a bit better. I think it might be because Brooks isn't so reverent of his source material.

Yes. I think Bowie will be remembered as possibly THE defining pop musician of the 20th century. Sure there were plenty of other greats, no one one single person feels as influential for where we are right now musically and culturally.

Definitely agree with this…just sat down and listened to both side by side, which I haven't done for awhile. Iggy's "Search and Destroy" is clearly better, because it just blasts you in the face, while Bowie's mix is too thin, and the drums barely present in the mix. That song is an anomaly, though, because every one

Absolutely…I'm so glad we have a musician right now like him. There's plenty of people talking shit about how good they are, but so few that can back it up with actual groundbreaking album after album.

Dude, you may be joking, but as soon as I heard this news I could imagine at least a dozen people in this world going "Fuuuuuuccckkk"

Yeah, she was built up by Han to be this complete badass with whom you did not want to fuck… and then she turns out to be a friendly little grandma. I hated so much about the execution of that cantina scene.

Yeah, if anything Maz Kanata and some of the other CGI effects in Force Awakens proves that pure-CGI characters STILL look pretty bad, even after all these years and advances. I'm surprised more people haven't called out the work on her character, because she seriously doesn't look much better than Jar Jar Binks

So it's like Troll 2 but not fun to watch?

This is a band where I could never pick a "best song" or even a coherent top 10. But on most days if I tried, this would be on it. In terms of "sad bastard ballads" this is the tops, right up there with Asleep and Please Let Me Get What I Want.

God I hate this meme….but that was pretty funny.