reformed calvinist

What makes it extra fun is that you have multiple unreliable narrators as you go through the different Acts.

I think this game does that "storytelling twist through mechanics" better than just about anything else I've played, other than maybe Brothers. Really thrilling.

Yeah, I've never actually beaten Identity the hard way. I tried once and got wasted almost as soon as I entered the police HQ.

I played through the entire game (well, Acts 1 and 2 at least, not the additional stuff they've added on) solo. I think it's a bit harder this way, but it is definitely playable and a hell of a lot of fun. So get it out of your backlog and start playing!

Completely agree. The character models look primitive, but the lighting and fluid movements really elevate the games. Also, the controls are very responsive. This is one of my favorite indie games.

Off-topic, but man I had the ewok village toy! Why oh why did I fucking sell all my SW stuff at a garage sale in the 90s?!?

Exactly. The movie, if it works for you (which I guess it doesn't for many), it like a steamroller of empathy. You get so swept up in Adele's life and emotions through the editing and pace of the film. Actually, now that I'm thinking of it, it reminds me of Boyhood a lot in that respect (another movie a lot of people

"It was mostly three hours of people eating pasta or sleeping, and crying, crying, crying, and holy fuck so much crying."

Wild is the Wind is the real album standout for me, but I'm not sure if it has "deep cut" status, since it does get its fair share of attention. Really, the whole album is freaking amazing though.

Yeah it is absolutely not a new thing. These days people can make a playlist of hits, skip more quickly through an album, etc. But back in the day, casual fans would just have the greatest hits anyway, and not any of the more challenging albums. So deep cuts have always been a thing in pop music.

Really love I'm Deranged, and more or less the rest of Outside. I was actually surprised it was an album track, and figured he had just written it for the Lost Highway soundtrack.

Oh God… I've unfortunately seen Love Actually a number of times, also due to a significant other. But that Rowan Atkinson scene is so god damned funny.

AND (according to Wikipedia) "I Have Not Been to Oxford Town" was covered by the party band in the beginning of Starship Troopers.

I just discovered this album the other day, going through Bowie's whole catalog… it really is pretty damned good, especially coming after the whole 15 years prior of not much that was listenable. The high points (I'm Deranged, Heart's Filthy Lesson, Hallo Spaceboy) are really cool, and most of what's in between is

Considering how weak the Best Picture list is in general this year, you really think they could have put Inside Out in there.

Oh damn, you went there.Thanks for making me smile in spite of feeling uber depressed atm

Yeah…basically the Narnia series already "reboots" itself a couple times during the run anyway, if you want to use such an ugly term. I think the studio just wants to distance itself from the tepidly received last couple movies.

I gotta say….these bad reviews are leaving me intrigued. But then again, I also watched and mostly enjoyed a half season of Legend of the Seeker, so I'm probably not to be trusted.

I read that Fill Your Heart was actually supposed to be replaced with Bombers on the album, but something got messed up. If you make a playlist and listen to it that way, the album flows a lot better.

I'm gonna be honest… I'm not a huge fan of this album. In the past, most of the songs never stuck with me, and even listening to it the other day, I couldn't quite catch on. The sound is freaking thick and driving and wonderful, but the songwriting feels meandering to me, in a way that all his albums did until Hunky