reformed calvinist

What's crazy is how he's permeated and influenced nerd culture, while also being a reliable mainstream staple for decades on end.

A little late here, but thank you for this post…so great to read things of substance like this in the comments.

Yeah reminds me how good this show was… Gervais definitely dialed it down a bit from his usual persona, and the guest turns are just fantastic. I can never think about Patrick Stewart now without hearing "and then she tries to pull her dress back up, but it's too late…I've seen everything."

Definitely listening to all the albums….again, since I was doing the same thing on Friday because of his birthday. Really fun discovering some of the lesser-appreciated 90s stuff. And then having the genius Glam/Berlin eras to come back to.

Ziggy is just so damned good that I think a lot of us take it for granted.

Normally I'd be annoyed by a slew of articles on one subject like this… but damn does it seem deserved.

I…didn't even know he had cancer, somehow. I figured he was one healthy motherfucker, because Blackstar is amazing and sounds like the work of a man in his prime. I can't even understand this right now.

He's great for like 5 seconds in Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me.

I absolutely loved The Next Day (same with Blackstar now), but I definitely had a huge gap in my Bowie listening from his 80s and 90s albums. Put on Black Tie White Noise and some Heathen on earlier, and that stuff is pretty alright too.

Yeah but then they can't recommend The Cobbler five times on the same screen.

I'm sure once the WoW movie is a huge hit, there will be a mad rush in Hollywood to adapt all the other Blizzard properties too.

Brimstone + quad shot is a bit of a gamble, I've learned, because of the massive charge time. But man, when it works, it works.

I think the rights are just cheaper to poorly-regarded movies, so that explains why this stuff fills netflix, but you can never find the actual classics you're looking for.

Boy, did I think that was memorably bad. If you're beating the shit out of a dude, just set the damned thing down!

Yeaahh… I think it's that "halfway decent" part that's holding me back. Even playing in 3rd person mode, I get wrecked pretty bad. All I want to do is mow down some stormtroopers and fly a tie fighter, but the competition is pretty stiff for a casual game.

Yeah I keep seeing these complaints come up… and, really? You're going to bitch about that of all things in the movie? There is plenty of things to complain about in the movie, but Rey was one of the bright spots for me.

For me, it was almost too dense, in terms of plotting. I wouldn't have minded a few sit-back-and-relax scenes (like we got with Dagobah in V).

I dunno man… I think SW works much better as a straight action movie than ST. I freaking hated JJ's Star Trek, but here he is doing a lot of the same moves in Force Awakens, and I thought it was more or less alright. That universe deserves some space for actual science/moral issues/world-building, while Star Wars has

The best thing I can say about Snoke is that it's not Dooku.

Everything thus guy said. While I liked the movie, I could have really used some exposition and world building. But I guess they have the next 20-30 films to do that in? Either way, feels a bit lazy, especially with the overabundance of action scenes