reformed calvinist

I've never seen him in anything, so I thought Driver was pretty effective. Also handsome is a super evil and smug way

Woo, 300+ hour camp here too… and I kind of agree that video games are a waste of time, and taking it even further, I think they encourage a pretty wasteful and addictive mentality. The feeling of achievement that games give, that is damned hard to get in "real life," is a pretty potent drug that keeps one coming back

I was thinking "too generous" but then I remembered that Age of Ultron is an Avengers sequel not a Transformers sequel. So who the fuck knows.

Seriously, though. Just about every list was just fantastic (and I didn't even vote)! What We Do in Shadows sneaking into the Top 10, Inside Out at #2, Mountain Goats in top 10 of music… you people have great taste!

I agree, there definitely is a place for this kind of song, even if the gender dynamics are not PC or whatever today (put me down in the Santa Baby-loving camp too… woman just wants to be sexy and get some gifts from her sugar daddy, more power to her).

Was it really despised or just treated with a "yeah that happened" shrug?

I don't understand what makes people rage so hard against David O Russell (besides the fact that he's apparently an asshole). I haven't seen American Hustle, but I thought pretty much everything else he's done, from SLP all the way back to Spanking the Monkey, has been damned entertaining.

Absolutely. I feel stupid for wasting so much of my life NOT listening to this album. Would have really helped me get through my teens/20s years a little easier.

(Way late with this), but the cable joke was AMAZING because you saw it coming a mile away, and then the result was so much worse than you could have imagined.

Cobbler at #1 feels really well deserved, though I will never watch it to find out. Now, please Netlifx, remove it from LITERALLY EVERY CATEGORY in my recommendations. Please.

It definitely morphs a lot after the first few episodes. I actually liked it from the very beginning, but it might be worth watching a little longer to see if you like it.

It's classic bad game design philosophy, that somehow still persists these days. The most egregious example is in CoD games where the best performing players get their kill streak rewards and then can snowball from there. A great counterexample is Towerfall Ascension which very quickly balances pvp matches to help the

Yeah Shovel Knight/Dark Souls do a great job. Death can be really meaningful or meaningless depending on what you have invested at the time.

I don't know… I think the article makes a good case. After playing really seamless platformers like Super Meatboy or even Fez (no lives/no deaths), and especially RPGs like Dark Souls or roguelikes like Isaac or Rogue Legacy or FTL… other games with traditional finite lives/lengthy reload screens feel so artificial.

Yeah that could've been higher imo. Then again, I haven't seen like 75%+ of the shows on this list. Then again, Zoot Suit! Zoot Suit! Z O O T S U I T

I'm not sure I'm in the "do not get" camp, but I definitely wouldn't put JJ in a year end list, personally. Really enjoy Ritter and Tenant in it, but the story momentum feels really weak to me, and there have been a lot of unexplained plot holes (granted I'm not done yet).

I'm sure they're just the usual "dump trucks full of money" stories though. I mean come on, we've all been there before.

I thought Will Arnett was in this, in which case he deserves better. But it's just Will Forte, who deserves… eh i dont even care.

There are definitely hits and misses, as with the content they acquire from other sources… but I have read that other content providers might be less likely to deal with Netflix, the more they branch out into original programming.

Remember that shows are graded into relation to itself. So C+ for this show would mean below average for the show (B is average for some reason, it seems), while C+ for Teen Wolf or some shit would mean a whole 'nother thing.