reformed calvinist

In the future, every TV show will have a TV Review, a Binge-Watch overview, individual Binge Watch installments, and weekly TV Club installments. DEAL WITH IT!

That's kind of where I'm at. I actually haven't watched this one yet, and stopped after the one before. I actually really liked that episode (the one where they kidnap Kilgrave), but at the same time I'm just not that excited for the show's arc to continue. I don't really understand what Kilgrave's motivations are

Woot, I'm sold.

I'm intrigued by all the A's Fargo S2 is getting, but I haaaated Billy Bob Thornton's character in S1, so didn't make it past the first few episodes. Is he dead/toned down a bit yet? Because that would bring me back.

It really depends on your preferences. To me, FNL is the better show, but I like it because it is very emotionally-driven, as opposed to the Sopranos which (for me) is a bit cold, but effective in a calculated way (I know many would disagree, though).

Just rewatched that lately and yep, he's still great in it. Sigh, RIP.

No man who dances on a giant keyboard can be a villain!

Yeah, this definitely reads like an Onion article from an American Educational System point of view.

Poor guy can't even write an honest C+ now without getting harangued.

Pretty much all of their albums are solid, but I'm a pretty big fan of Tiny Music. Easily the least-grunge thing they did, and it's just got a sweet glammy vibe. Listening to Lady Picture Show now, and this song is straight Beatlesque.

On Core, they really sounded a lot like Pearl Jam and other contemporaries. It still has solid tracks, but it's undeniably a bit derivative. On every album after that, they pushed their sound forward, and that I think is why they have a better reputation today.

This sounds about right, though if you go back to the first half of his career, his hit/miss ratio was waaay higher. Somewhere after 25th Hour, he doesn't seem to be making as many great movies.

From is famous for doing DLC the right way… really solid expansions, often better than the base game, for a reasonable price. I'd like to think that the industry is changing a bit, due to the success of Souls games and Witcher 3, etc, but there are so many major games that are still using the nickel-and-dime model.

Maybe I'm a total noob, but I've NEVER been able to have much success with Epic Fetus. I always get mobbed by close-range attackers, especially now that you can't use mouse control to fire the missile early (like you could in original BOI).

People said it all along, but it really does look like Bloodborne is never coming to PC, sigh. I've been holding out an impossible hope, but oh well. At least we get DS3 pretty soon.

Wait wait, hold on. Tenant's doing a voice of the nickelodeon TMNT? Oh dear lord, I have to check that out (the show is awesome enough even without him).

Yeah but they had to make room for all those people up there in only two adaptations, so maybe next time Sean.

What if everyone in the next Star Trek movie wore Mickey Mouse pants. Those are cool.

Yeah but…that was probably the least of my problems with that passage.

I dunno, I thought Silver Linings Playbook was right in line with his early screwball stuff like Flirting, Spanking the Monkey, and Huckabees.