reformed calvinist

Welp, already bought tickets for my 5 and 8 year old girls, so they're just going to have to man up on this one.

I think the difference is that today we can see how much that $60 price tag in the SNES days was highway robbery. There weren't really any alternatives. Today we can get indie games like the Binding of Isaac or FTL for $5 and play the shit out of them for months.

The AT AT toy stood up very well… I had one second-hand from a garage sale, and it was probably the best toy I've ever owned. Sigh.

I honestly think Temple of Doom is better than Last Crusade, but I know it's pretty subjective. For me, Crusade is overlong and has way too many goofy antics (the "young Indy" opener, Indy on horse vs the tank, anything with Sean Connery), and I like the grim action of ToD better. Of course, stuff like the dining

God damn it, is this where we go to bat for Temple of Doom? I loved it as a kid, I still love it as an adult. That mine cart chase is the single coolest part of the entire trilogy.

Where's the part where we get outraged that Revenge of the Sith is ranked higher than Return of the Jedi? Has anyone made it that far down yet? I'm ready for the outrage, let's go guys.

Well maybe you've avoided the bad Rogen movies? I still think he's okay, but there are a lot of bad/mediocre ones like Observe and Report, Zack and Miri make a Porno, Green Hornet, Funny People, The Guilt Trip, The Interview.

I've never listened to Bieber, but I'm assuming his music now has EDM beats and lyrics about sex, and that's apparently why we need to start paying attention to him.

I really thought that was a "fake miss piggy" prop, and the gag was that he was bringing it along to restaurants.

Say what you will about Len (song's okay, imo), that 90s singles Pitchfork list was pretty terrible. IIRC, their top song was Pavement's Gold Soundz, and even as a huge Pavement fan I don't even see how that is at all defensible.

So can we just deport middle/upper class teenagers and keep the illegal immigrants then?

I still haven't beaten braid because I can't bring myself to look at a guide, and it's too damned hard. For some reason, I have no problem looking at guides for action or adventure games, but pure puzzle games it feels like a betrayal.

Yeah, I'd say we have a lot auteurs already (Edmund McMillen, Jonathan Blow, Miyakzi of Dark Souls fame, Tim Schafer, Sid Meier, etc), but like film, or perhaps even more so, game design is such a collaborative effort that the initial creative vision is really one small part of the process.

I actually like Lilith a lot…. well, liked before the nerf. We'll see now. I'm also one of the folks that doesn't touch the really tough achievements like the Lost etc. Of course, now we have a new bevy of super hard ones with Mega Satan, Ultra Greed (actually pretty easy so far), and the new boss.

I actually laughed out loud every time Dandelion began narrating a cutscene in Witcher 2. Haven't come across him yet 3, but I can't wait!

Yeah the Trump wave seems to be receding at this point. Probably Rubio for the nomination, with Carson as a long shot.

I actually re-listened to BSSM recently, and I thought it held up fine. I'm not really a fan of the band at all anymore, or any of that wave of post-grunge alternative in general (though I guess BSSM was more during grunge than post).

If something is faux-inoffensive, does that mean it actually secretly offends?

Huh, yeah I'd always assumed it "black" as in "full of dread and suffering" as well, having been introduced to the term as a retail employee. When I was a kid, I'd only heard it referred to as the "Day after Thanksgiving Sale.:

Jack of all Trades with Bruce Campbell?! You take that back, sir!